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"What's this meeting about hyung?" Taehyung asked the uninterested male beside him who was too busy playing his games on his phone. He paused the game and sighed as he turned his head to the raven haired boy.

He would never admit it, Taehyung was handsome...maybe too handsome. His jaw was so defined, his eyes that when you look at them too long you just fall right in them, his nose he always hated but he grown to love, and of course his cute boxy smile. No, he did not like him. How could he when a certain blonde always drove him back to him no matter what he did. It drove him absolutely insane.

"Aish, I don't know? Go ask Namjoon or something I'm busy"

"B-But hyun—"

"Busy" He said once more holding up his phone then shaking it slightly in front of his face. The younger sighed and sat back in his chair pouting while he waited for the rest of the members to arrive.

"Hey sorry we're late" Jin announced as he took a chair in front of the two early birds along with Namjoon next to him. After a couple of minutes Hoseok arrived.

"I wonder what this is about"

"I was thinking of the same thing too!" Taehyung stated as he perked up and sat up straight while the other took his seat next to him.

"Aigoo...it's gonna take a lot to get them to be quiet" Jin sighed looking at the two boys chattering away. Namjoon on the other hand was too focused on why they were here. They already discussed future tours and meetings so what was this about?

"Jungkook! Stop it! I told you not to touch my ass" A voice yelled as the last members made their entrance.

"What?? It's not my fault! My hand just gravitated towards your ass!" The taller reasoned taking a seat next to Namjoon while Jimin only scoffed and sat beside him. Before any of them could make a comment about what had just happened their manager quickly came in with ragged breaths.

"Traffic...sorry guys" He panted slowly walking to the chair that was in the middle. The members quietly commented saying it was alright.

"Okay so you guys might be curious as to why we have an emergency meeting" He clapped his hands and rubbed them together taking his seat then taking a small remote to turn on the projector.

"Jungkook go turn off the lights" Jimin whispered to the younger but he acted like he didn't hear it. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and brought his hand down to his thigh and pinched it as a warning.

"AH!" He yelped causing the rest of members and the manager to look at him in both confusion and curiosity.

"Ahahaha...I'm fine sorry just had a little spasm there..really haha" He scratched the back of his head, "Carry on, my apologies.." The manager nodded and carried on to prepare his little presentation. Jungkook playfully frowned and faced the other.

"What the hell was that for???" He whined rubbing his poor thigh back and forth in attempt to sooth it.

"I'll pinch it again if you ignore me like that" He frowned and crossed his arms. Jungkook only smirked and leaned towards the blonde's ear.

"I don't know who the fuck Jungkook is baby.." Shivers ran down his spine, spreading all over his body as he gulped.

"Maybe if you address me properly..maybe just maybe I'll go turn off the lights hmm?" Licking his ear as he blew, Jimin's face completely turned red in embarrassment. Just as the manager finished preparing, he was about to ask Jungkook to turn off the lights since he was the closest but Jimin quickly stood up with a heated face and left the room before switching the lights off. They all look bewildered as Jungkook shook his head and chuckled.

"You guys need to stop fooling around like that" Namjoon warned half heartedly as he gave a concerned look while Jin leaned forward so he could see the youngest and shook his head disapprovingly.

"W-What is this fuckery??" The youngest silently gasped.


"Have you seen Jimin??? How could I stop making a fool out of myself when he's around looking so ethereal and sexy—it's literally impossible hyun—"

"Okay we get" Jimin said as he entered the room. The tips of his hair were slightly wet from him splashing water onto himself. He took his seat silently and turned towards their manager.

"We're ready manager-nim" He smiled and boy oh boy did that do something to the manager's heart and along with two of the members.

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