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One day, my family are moving to Manila because of my father’s work. I decided to fix my things so that when we start moving our things I’m already done.

After fixing my things, I realized that I left my favourite earrings on my mother’s room. When I entered my mother’s room, I saw how messy the room is, I almost thought that it’s a junkyard. I decided to fix my mother’s room.

As I fix my mother’s belongings, I realized that I came for my favourite earring and because of that I started to open the cabinet. I saw a pink diary covered with artificial rose petals and the front page has an initial M.L.Y.

Out of curiosity, I opened the diary and read my mother’s story about her teenage days, I laughed when I read about my mother’s embarrassing moments. I continued to turn the page and I’m shocked of what I saw written on the diary.

Dear Diary,

While I was walking, I heard a sound of a crying baby. I found the sound at the stroller at the side of the door. Then, I saw a very beautiful baby crying her eyes out, the baby has a milky white skin that is now pinkish because of her tears rolling on her face. I hushed the baby and after a few minutes she is looking at me intently.

The baby looks at me like I’m her mother and that time I felt like a mother. I made a decision that I will make sure that this baby will grow up to be a fine and smart woman. I go home with a smile on my face and I happily told my husband about the baby. I thought that he will immediately agree to keep the baby but he made me realize that someone may lost the baby and now grieving for her loss. We reported it to the police and patiently waited for the police to find her parents.

I feel nervous as I flipped the other pages that merely contains the time my mother is taking care of the baby.

Dear Diary,

Although I want the baby to find her real family. Deep in my heart I knew that the baby created a special place to my heart. So, I decided to name her

I was about to flip the next page when suddenly my mother showed up and asked me what I was doing.

I feel bothered on what I read but I mustered up the courage to ask my mother about it.

“You really thought that it was my diary? No, dear it is not.” My mom said

“Then, who is the owner of the diary?’’ I asked

“It’s your grandma’s, I’m the baby that she is pertaining to. The one that you read” she said

Shock is evident on my face. Confusion is all over my face. My mom is adopted?

“So, you’re adopted, mom?’’ I asked

“No, your grandmother has Alzheimer and by that time she forgot that she is carrying me to go home but because she has Alzheimer she forgot that I’m her daughter and gave me to the beggar. That beggar turns out to be hiding to someone and ran leaving me at the side of the road.

Your grandma found me and thought that I was an abandoned child. Your grandfather is not home when she gave birth to me. Months later, my father learned that I’m his daughter and finally learned that mom has Alzheimer” she said

I’m lost for words. Grandmother and Grandfather including my mother experienced a lot of hardships but they overcame it until Grandmother died.

“I had no idea mom, if it happens to me I don’t know what to do. I love you mom” I said

“I love you too, baby always and forever” my mom said

Mother's DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now