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ok so basically my friend started talking about spn crossovers and it kinda convinced me to write supernatural into this ((pretty much the characters sam and dean)) and at FIRST i was like tf how am i going to make that fit into this story?? buuuut i thought of something and hopefully you guys will like it maybe even love it bc i love spn so so much and mixing it in with the originals is heaven even tho theyre all going to hell and for you guys who DONT watch supernatural then i suggest you do ;) lol but i'll still just introduce them as new characters ok here is chapter 6!


Klaus and Hayley haven't looked at each other, much less talked to each other since that day. It's been almost a week and Hayley's had enough, she won't be sticking around and waiting for him to take her out to the bayou.

She wraps herself in a leather jacket with a dark blue scarf, stepping into a pair of boots and marching towards the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Klaus says his first words to her in six days causing her breath to hitch, but she stands strong.

"To the bayou." She answers quickly, not bothering to turn around. Yet, she could feel his presence suddenly right behind her. She stiffens.

"Alone?" He asks, his eyes trained on the side of her face while his breath fans her cheek.

"I guess." She murmurs, not being able to step away.

"I'll go with you." He suggests but Hayley rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, turning around this time. She's surprised at how close he really is, causing her to stumble back only a smudge bit. This causes him to smirk.

"No. You can't just ignore me for however long you'd like to and then show up in front of me when you're worried of something happening to this child. News flash, I won't let anything happen to it either." She snaps, in hopes that he caught her drift.

"The child isn't the only person I'm worried about here." He says simply, stepping forward with his hands clasped behind his back. It takes Hayley a moment to register his words but she doesn't let them soften her.

"I can take care of myself, Klaus." She grits before spinning on her heel and rushing out before Klaus can follow.


While Hayley has no luck finding wolves in the area of the bayou she's searching, Klaus goes to the bar to grab a drink. His intention was to help her, but she took it as if he didn't trust her.

The bar is mostly empty, since no one goes out to have a drink at noon. Or so he thought. There's another man-human- sitting on one of the barstools with three empty shot glasses in front of him. Klaus sits and orders himself bourbon.

"Tough day, mate?" Klaus asks the man, not up for a conversation but making one anyway.

"I'm not gay." The man says immediately in a rather deep voice. Klaus can't help but laugh at this remark. "I'm not either. It was just a simple question." Klaus defends and the guy shakes his head.

"Sorry, I'm just used to talking to chicks at bars. Not men." He looks up at Klaus. Klaus nods slowly, "So, like I asked. Tough day?" He repeats and the man scoffs as Klaus gets his ordered drink, paying.

"Always on the road with a selfless brother can be sorta tiring at times. He can be a son of a bitch sometimes, but it's nothing we can't get over. You'd be surprised at how many times we've been from hell and back. Someone's got to take on the family business though, and we're better off doing that together." He says, with a double meaning behind his words that Klaus doesn't immediately sense.

Klaus Mikaelson's Girl [klayley]Where stories live. Discover now