Why me?

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(Ryota Mitarai)

Spoilers for the Future and Despair arc of the Danganronpa anime.
Don't read if you are planning on watching them

The deafening silence seeps out into the room, crowding the smallest pits of darkness. Creating this saddening feeling whenever you step into the darkest holes, yet it's hard to find them when you live in the the dark.

The lead leaks onto the paper, leaving behind marks of words. Barely readable in the shallow room. Yet, it was enough to get a few words across.

Thin hands shake, as the pencil falls down onto the paper. The lead snaps, making a smear across the already watered down words. Soggy from the exposer of air, and the water of pain.

The young man in the birch chair, slowly brings his hands to his face. As if he hopes to erase himself from this world, yet he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Knowing that it was smarter to deal with this torture, then let anybody else in.

To many people have gotten hurt by his past mistakes, and he's tired of it. All he wanted to do was help, and dig the world into a picture of what it once was.

Yet, why would the brain ever be a kind place?

The tears seem to rush down his face without stopping. He wraps his thin arms across his frail body, weak from not eating in who knows how long. Dark tar bangs lay underneath his broken eyes, tired of the world he has to face with each breath.

This was the state of a broken soul, one that has been through pain their whole life. Only getting a small bit of acceptance, only to get it ripped away. It was his fault for this mess, it's always his fault...

"Only if I didn't accept.... May- maybe you guys would still be here."

The crying then turns into pure agony, one that has been held in for to long. Finally being let out, mental scars out for the world to see. Yet, not even one heard.

He was alone, he was always alone.

Started off life with a broken record of a dad, and a mother trying her best. Yet, didn't know how to help her bruised up child. The bulling wouldn't stop, even if he stopped going to school. Cause, the brain can bully their carrier to.

Animation was his saving point. He spent late nights watching anime, which gave him hope to carry on with his life. It was the little kick start that he needed, and that's when he started his project of hope.

He worked for many hard nights, trying to perfect his anime, learning ways to alter the brain. Making people think thoughts that weren't theirs, yet he would never abuse this power. All he wanted to do was make the world a better place, was it so hard to ask?

After awhile, he got accepted into the most popular school for people with talents like him. With school work in the way, he barely had time to do anything anymore. Yet, that's when he made his first, and closest friend.

With his friend taking his place in class, he got sent down a spiral of self torture. Late nights, and starving just to get the project perfect.

His friend would bring him food, since he was the only one that knew that he was at this school. He would also try to get him to take a break. Yet, those only happened when he fainted from lack of sleep.

After awhile, he was forced to go to the hospital until he was healthy again.

That's when he met his end.

He thought she wanted the same thing as him, yet she used his talents for evil. With no way to run, he had to do what she wanted.

He was stuck in a corner, just liked a caged animal. If he ran, he would be killed. So, maybe it was smarter to stay and get forced into making this disgusting project.

Even if it met making a video to alter peoples brains, and making them turn into despair.

He ran, he ran when his classmates found were he was being keep up. Instead of staying, he was just pathetic. A mistake born into this world. How could he leave them?

Just as he was about to turn around, the rushing water grabbed ahold of him.

Slowly sinking to the bottom, just like a leaf falling from a tree. It was peaceful, letting the water enter your lungs. The past mistakes finally leaving, and giving back just a blank numb mind.

Not worth it.

The surface comes rushing back up, as he gasps out for air. The water pushes him onto land, right into the slushy mud. Weak, he tried to lift himself up.

"Please, I need to warn them."

Yet it was to late, he had no energy left.

He still thinks about those events, which led the world to despair. To think, it was all because he wanted to bring some hope to this world.

He lost his classmates that day. They became her little puppets to play with. To think, what would've happened he he stood his ground and stayed. Maybe they would've had a chance, maybe this world wouldn't be in ruins.

The tears finally turn dry, as he stares at his phone. The finished project on it, yet he doesn't know when will be the best time to use it.

With clumsy hands, he lifts himself up to get ready. There was a meeting today that he can't miss. He will worry about these thoughts later, it's not like it's the first time something like this happened. And it probably won't be the last.

With a swift swipe, the phone leaves the table, and the door closes shut. Leaving no trace that a human was there just a mere second ago.

This boy has had a rough past, one filled with thorns digging into his sides. Tearing at his skin, and drawing blood with each step he took.

The most saddening thing is, his story of sadness hasn't written it's final pages yet.

There's still more pain that this boy has to feel, before he accepts his past.

Before he can fix the gaping hole where his heart should be.

Out of all the Danganronpa characters, I feel the most connected to this smol little boi.

Also, imma quote my discord bio: "Ryota Mitarai deserved better. Give this smol boi some hugs."
He went through so much, especially in the Future arc, like, will he ever get a break ;-;.

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