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Pitter patter, pitter patter

The calming sound of rain hits the ground below. Staining it with the tears of the souls that walked this path before. Emptying out everything as they walk pass.

In the rain, you can hide what you are truly feeling to the world. You could be at a breaking point, yet people will just walk past with a smiling face. It must be amazing to be so carefree and joyful.

A slapping sound echos out, as the rain hits an umbrella. The slushing of shoes as they enter the depths of the clear blue water.

A single soul stops for a second, as they step in the puddle for a little bit. As if they where thinking about something. Maybe it was haunting enough for them to stop, or to painful to keep on walking.

The once white shoes, turn hollow from the water entering its once pure soul. Soaking it until there is nothing left, just a soggy mess of what it once was.

Snap, snap

The umbrella snaps closed, as the rain falls on the souls head. Hair once dry, now wet in mere seconds. The wind picks up, as if adding to the setting. Making it more depressing then what it was not that long ago.

Dark clouds start to grumble above, which causes the rain to answer its plea. Once a peaceful dribble, is now a downfall. Yet, the soul doesn't bring back their umbrella.

Why would they want to be drenched from head to toe? It's an unpleasant feeling, and many things can come from it. Maybe, just maybe, this soul doesn't care about side effects. This just may be a way to to feel.

Rain can be a painful thing. Cold and sharp when it's fast. It's a way to feel when you lost yourself in your own mind. That is, if it's not to late to kick start you back onto the right course.


It's a beautiful thing, many things come from it. Animals need it to drink, and trees need it to live. Humans use it for many different projects, ones that are useful and none useful.

Pitter, pitter

Smaller rain falls down, yet these droplets aren't coming from the clouds. These are smaller and are laced with something rain can't give. This thing is what many souls have to deal with everyday, yet it's always the same.

Pain, this special ingredient is pain. It can come from many different things, both mentally and physically. One is easier to heal then the other, while the other one may take years to master.

Even if you master it, it will stay in the corners of your mind. Taunting you when you don't expect it, sending out little whispers to turn you against yourself again.

The soul finally snaps up, and leaves the painted image on their face. They, more like he finally takes a step forward. Only for their foot to land in another puddle.

With their gaze down, they keep on walking straight. As if trying to prove a point, showing themselves that they can do this. It may take a long time, but they can make it out on top.

For a split second they almost lose their balance, only to steady themselves at the last second. If they didn't, the cement would've claimed another victim. One that was to deep within their mind, to see the rainbow after the downfall.

The steps start to quicken, as if they got a hang of walking. No more struggling to pick up their foot, and up it right back down. So much energy drained from such a simple thing. It may seem pitiful to some, but others would know that feeling.

The footsteps finally stop, as does the ever soaking rain. If you strain your ears, you could hear the ever pouring madness just a few feet away. Yelling out in anger, that they lost another soul.


The soul finally looks up, and let's out a small smile. One that was finally free of pain, and no longer having to carry a masked umbrella around. Just to mask that they where okay, yet they truly weren't. They made it, their long journey through the madness of over. It was time to see what everyone else has been feeling all of this time.

Maybe, just maybe. This thing called a rainbow, will be more beautiful then their old dark rain clouds.

Drip, drip, drip

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