Danger and Punishment

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                       3 weeks later

No one's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Hongjoong or San have done anything touchy touchy with their boyfriends. They were kinda getting sick of it so a week ago they made a plan.

            ---------Flash back------------

"Sannie!" "Hm oh hey Hongjoong hyung!" "Sannie, Mingi hasn't done anything to me for two weeks! And me and you had a fight yesterday!"
"Yeah I know Wooyoung would punish me normally!" "Hey wait! I have an idea" "What is it?" "So next week me and you all we do is hang out and flirt! That will get their attention!"  "No, No, No! Hongjoong are you crazy? Wooyoung will literally make me not be able to walk for weeks!"

"Please Sannie? I'll do the dishes for a month! Plus look at the bright side Wooyoung will spend more time with you!" "Ugh you know what fine!"

  _______ End of Flashback _______

Mingi's P. O. V

I'm sitting on the couch next to Wooyoung and Hongjoong and San are literally flirting with each other, right in front of us! They have been doing this for a week! I got up and grabbed Wooyoung and dragged him to the kitchen.

Wooyoung's P. O. V

Mingi and I were sitting on the couch, San and Hongjoong were sitting on the other side of the couch flirting. I don't think San knows what he is doing! All of a sudden Mingi grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen.

No one's P.O.V

When Mingi and Wooyoung left the room San and Hongjoong let out a sigh of relief. At this point they knew they were screwed it was WAY to late to back down so they would have deal with it.

Meanwhile in the kitchen with Mingi and Wooyoung. "Your jealous too huh?" "Yeah I can't stand it!" "Don't worry Mingi I have an idea, we'll just teach them who they really belong to....."

"Hm good idea let's go get them." Mingi went into the living room he took Hongjoong and dragged him into his room.

Then Wooyoung came out of the kitchen and came over to San. " San come here.... " "B-But-" "No but's! Come here!"

San's P. O. V

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit?! I'm screwed I am so screwed!

Wooyoung's P. O. V

I took San's arm and pulled him into my room and I locked the door. "Take you pants off and bend over...." "O-okay D-d-daddy....."

"25 smacks, count when I ask questions answer...." "O-Okay....."


"Who do you belong to?"

"Y-You, 2-2 OW!"



"3-3, 4-4, 5! A-Ah!"

San counted to 25 as I asked him more questions. I think I heard Hongjoong moan Mingi's name one more time so I think there finished.

San's P. O. V

After Wooyoung finished spanking me he took off my shirt and put me on my back. After that he undressed himself and whispered in my ear.

"No cuming babyboy~ it's punishment time" "A-ah D-daddy! HAH!" "Now answer the question again you who do you belong to?" "Y-You! I b-belong to you A-hh D-daddy!"

Wooyoung's P. O. V

I looked down at San's face and smirked he looked so cute he was blushing his eyes were closed and his mouth was open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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