Love Me Harder...

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I was in my room, reading stories from Wattpad. A moment later I heard a knock on my window. I looked out and smiled. It was my blue masked turtle: Leo! I let him in and I peck his lips. "Hey Weo, how's it going?" "Good!" Leo saids with a simile. I smiled back and me and Leo were reading stories on Wattpad and talked for a while. After that, Leo have to go back, I kissed him before he left until...

Leo's POV
I look back and stare at her. She was wearing her MLP Pinkie Pie t-shirt and TMNT 2012 pjs pants. She looks so cool. But I don't want to leave, so I close the window, she gasped, and kissed her passionately. I put my arms around her waist as she puts her arms around my neck. I kept kissing her until I moved down to her neck and sucking on it. She moans softly. She holds on my shell. After that, my hand lead to her shirt, pulling up slowly, showing her lacy dark blue bra, about the same color as my mask. Then I pulled her pants down. Her underwear were light blue. We went down as I kissed her passionately again. But on the neck. I let her hair down.

Leo was kissing me on my neck and I moan loudly as he kisses it harder. I grip on the tails of his mask. I rub his shell and he moan softly as he made it way back to my lips. I took off my socks. Then he pulled away. "Jessica?" "Yea?" I said as I huff for air. "It's it weird that you look like a girl version of me?" I smirked "Maybe... Maybe not" He similes and kisses me again. Good thing Leo have protection on! I forgot to take off his armor stuff. So I slowly did. I  heared Leo moaned softly as I was doing it. I smiled in the kiss. Leo then flipped me on on my stomach and kisses and sucking my back. I moan softly. He didn't stopped.

Leo's POV
After I finish with her back, I moved down and kisses her legs and feet. After that, I flipped her back so I could kiss her again. At around midnight we went to sleep. Before that I said goodnight to her and she kisses me before sleeping on my plastron. That night I never let her go...

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