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You were impatiently waiting in a cafe ,tapping your foot on the hard marble floor a habit of yours when you are slightly pissed off.

You were waiting for your boyfriend after getting a message from him that he really wanted to catch with with you for all time he has missed his dates with you just because he is busy.
A little amendment.

He is an asshole most of the time but can be really adorable at times.

You have an important meeting after your break you were really desperate  to meet Jimin cause he rarely has time to meet you .

You were already getting late for your meeting so you decided to leave the cafe, when you saw Jimin coming towards you and sat across the table as if nothing happened or he wasn't late.

"Where were you ?" You asked scowling.

"Busy at work, why are you being hyper", he said calmly while scrolling through his phone.

"What do you mean getting hyper, you are late and you are asking me that what happened," you said raising your voice gathering the attention of everyone. So you turned around to sit down in your seat

"Wow ,why are you making a fuss, I'm just like late by-

"Late by 30 minutes,and because of you my break is over and because of you I'm probably late for my meeting ,and because of you boss will be mad at me and will fire me and you are telling I'm making a fuss .

You finally calmed down after finishing your marathon of words and saw Jimin's uninterested face which pissed you even more.

"If you are late for your meeting then why are you still here ?" he questioned you .

You cannot believe him, your annoyance taking best over you as you stomped out the cafe before yelling at Jimin from the counter.


Again getting the full attention of the customers.

While on your way back to work you were slightly embarrassed of your behavior earlier at the cafe with Jimin.

You reached your office and discovered that the meeting had already began. So you increased your pace and ended up running to the meeting hall.

In the meeting hall you were welcomed with the two deadly eyes of your boss as if any moment he would prey over you.

You mouthed a sorry before taking your seat.

The meeting went well and everyone started to leave the hall ,as you stood up to leave the hall you were blocked by you boss.

"Why were you late for the meeting ," said your boss sternly.

I'm sorry si-

"I don't want your sorry miss Y/n .This is the third time you are late for the meeting."

"Sorry sir I was late due to personal issues,"you said ,your head hung low as you were affraid as well as embarrassed.

"I don't care about your personnel issues, overtime and it's finally".

"But sir-

You were cut off when he left the hall .

Finally your day finished as it was already 11pm ,your whole day was harsh, including the extra work given to you by your boss as punishment.

You were on your way home, over thinking about the day ,you wanted to cry to pore down the stress .

You were so busy in your own thought that you didn't saw a figure coming towards your car you tried your best to pull the break as fast as possible but-


Sorry she a bit dramatic.....

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