Chapter 5 He's Ours

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Stephen's Pov:

"Do you have anything?" I asked Jay who frowned.

"No...I am still scanning." Jay said and the power went out in the city suddenly making us all look out the window.

"Uh...That's not normal." Clint said.

"The entire city is out," Sam said, and then suddenly the tower shook like there was an earthquake but it did not last long.

Tony's Pov:

"Papa Tony." I blinked. "If I do somehow come" He had said. "This time stick around, please...I want to know my Papa Tony." He said eyes watering.

"Kid," I said. "Roy," I said softer and the tears fell.

"We better keep our Tuesday lab days a thing. I want my peanut butter and butter sandwiches without crust." He had laughed and I swallowed. "We can build model rockets and you promised to teach me how to make an Ironman suit when I was older." He said.

"Of course I'll teach you to make a suit can't have my grandson time traveling without protection," I said and he smiled.

"Thank you," He had said and I watched the kid fade he never he was never here...I frowned and stared at the destroyed building...I felt my heart break a little knowing I just killed my grandson...I'm sorry...I left.

Stephen's Pov:

"I found sir," Jay said making us look at him. "He will be here soon...We should meet him on the roof." Jay said. I made a portal because the elevator will be to slow. We all walked out to the roof not seeing anything.

"Do you think he's ok?" Sam asked.

"Loki said he'd be tired," T'Challa said.

"There," Sam said and we all looked over to see Anthony flying this way...When he made it to the roof he stumbled a bit. We all rushed over quickly to help him.

"Anthony, are you hurt?" I asked worried and he shook his head.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"Where is Roy?" I asked and Anthony choked before sobbing. I blinked as he held me crying into my shoulder. I looked at the others confused and saw Loki with a sad look on his face before he looked away. I didn't hear the elevator open...

"Anthony?" T'Challa asked.

"I had to...I'm sorry." Anthony sobbed and we looked at each other...We didn't notice Peter's confused look as he left.

Peter's Pov:

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Sir had been captured," Jay said.

"What? Where was he?" I asked and Jay brought up a map showing me...I know where that is...I grabbed my gear and left. Why was Dad so upset? Why was h- I felt my heart stop...I swallowed as I saw the hand under the rubble...I looked away, my heartbreaking cause that hand was...small. I saw something glint and walked over picking it up...I stared at what looked like a robot heart...Odd...What happened?

I froze hearing crying...What!? I ran...and found stairs buried under rubble...I went down them and followed the sound...I saw paperwork laying on a desk...One had a picture of me on it...I saw a DNA strand and highlighted parts...The next paper was of Wade then...Dad? Each having different highlighted areas on the DNA strains...I heard the cry again and looked up. I walked into a room with several tube-like devices...several broken.

I heard the small weak cry and looked at the device. I saw a baby inside hooked up to machines...It was on life support which was horrifying...0001? I stared at the numbers confused and looked at the baby again then the heart thing I's a machine...maybe it could save it...I got to get it to a doctor! I looked at the machine trying to figure out how I could move it then realized...I had Christine's phone number she could help could doctor dad but...If Dad did that I'm afraid he'd want to hurt this one too.

That Robotic Mind and Lonely Heart (Wingfic) Book 5Where stories live. Discover now