Chapter 6 - Break out the kiddo sized handcuffs!

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~~~ Hands is detained

The lead Investigator managed not to sigh, "Pack Father since the other individual has requested you be detained for assault I'll need to do so. Under Folician law your right are..." She continued until she was done, "Do you understand these rights?" They were very similar to what Hands knew as the Miranda rights.

Hands nodded and spoke, "I understand the rights as you have read them to me. Give me a moment to talk to my Pack Mother and Liraque and then I'll go with you." He turned and gave Savory a good hug and kiss, "I'll be fine. Go back to the temple and take care of our pack." He knelt down in front of Nuzzle, "You go with and support your Pack Mother and give her all the cuddles and nuzzles you can. Love you, kiddo."

Nuzzle was looking very upset as Thyra picked her up, "You's going to be okays without me's? I's yous Liraque and should be withs you."

The officer touched his shoulder, "By law if you wish she can go with you. We don't separate Liraque/Liraqua unless required to. It's your choice, but I would recommend it." If his Liraque was there it would be points in his favor.

He sighed, "Fine kiddo you can come with. Just don't fuss about being the youngest Liraque to be booked into jail." He grinned at her when she growled at him, "That's the spirit; don't let the other little jailbirds know you are scared." Hands picked her up and turned to the officers, "Do you need the cuffs, or may I carry my Liraque?"

She was trying hard not to snicker at his teasing Nuzzle, "I think it will be fine if you carry her. I have temporarily disabled the additional features of your suit though." Thankfully the other three were gone, "Shall we?" Savory was looking horribly shocked and rather upset. The officer smiled at her, "It's simply paperwork and we will get him back to you as soon as possible. I'll keep an eye on him for you."

Savory sniffled a bit, "Make sure nobody kidnaps him for cuddling. I am not sure we could afford the ransom unless you take People Bones." She was trying to stay upbeat by joking and when Hands and Nuzzle snickered at her she smiled, "One more kiss my jailbird pack father." She gave him a good kiss and gave Nuzzle a peck.

Hands blushed a deep pink when she kissed him and teased him, "Someone is going to wake up with a bell on her tail one of these days." He turned and followed the officers out of the building, "Well this should be interesting. I can't help but wonder if I am the youngest Pack Father to be arrested not to mention the youngest Liraque-trainee."

Nuzzle bopped his shoulder, "I's not arrested. Meanie stinky Liraqua arrested. I's good girl." She did lean her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes and inhaled his scent.

Now he was away from the others he let the stress he was feeling show, "Are you okay son? I want an honest answer. If you aren't, we need to get you checked out."

Hands sighed, "It just has been a rough year for my family. What Dreamer is going through is forcing me to remember losing my parents not long ago. We lost our Pack Mother Flitter during childbirth, and other things I don't want to talk about right now." He held Nuzzle even closer as he tried not to cry.

She rested her hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, "I am sorry to hear it son and we will get this taken care of as soon as possible. We know about Pack Mother Flitter and everyone at the station gave a good howl for your pack." She made a face, "I have already been told Pack Mother Gentle Resolute Song is at the station not to mention a gentleman named Gerdal, and the current Temple Mother." She frowned slightly, "Oh, and for some reason Rescue tech Long Shot is at the station."

Hands had to stare at her and then started snickering, "Good thing my sister isn't here, or you would really be hearing some ranting. For some reason she thinks the only one who gets to pick on her little brother is her and her friends." Nuzzle giggled though she still had her nose in his neck.

The Goddess and Pack Lord - Folician Chronicle 5Where stories live. Discover now