Chapter Four

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"Prince Killian, " Aldith spoke with surprise in her voice. It was not a common practise for royalty to visit their guests in their rooms. "What brings you here?"

"No, I should be asking you that." Killian chuckled softly while walking towards the chair by her bedside. His bouncy red hair sat perfectly in a side score. "We had no word sent to us to expect your arrival?" Killian asked puzzled, his blue eyes watched Aldith as she dropped her gaze at the memories came flooding back through her mind.

"Citadel was ambushed by Dorgoth. We didn't stand a chance." Aldith spoke with a fragile voice. "I fought to protect the King, but I failed. The King died in my arms, but he gave me one last order. To take back the kingdom and take the Throne."

"I see, this is indeed unfortunate news." Killian sighed before looking down to his hands. His fingers were interlocked with each other; both his elbow supported by his knees. "I will speak to my father and arrange an audience for you," Killian spoke softly while processing all the new information he just heard.

"Thank you," Aldith whispered to him as Killian stood from his chair. He then began to make his way from her temporary room, leaving Aldith to sit in the deafening silence. She didn't know how long she sat there, being tormented by her memories before she snapped back to the real world. She twisted herself to gently place her feet onto the floor at the left side of her bed. A large arch-shaped window allowed the mid daylight to trickle in. Gently and tentatively, she applied pressure to her feet to slowly stand up. Making sure she did not cause too much strain on her wound.

Once she was up, Aldith slowly took one minimal step at a time over to the arched window. Placing a hand on the sandstone wall, she looked out the distorted window to the view below. A bustling city went about their daily lives with not a care in the world apart for living their lives to the best. Everything seemed so easy for them, just like back in her kingdom; or at least it was. Aldith pushed herself off the window and over to her belongings, that sat on top of the dresser. Slowly but surely she buckled her sword onto her waist before looking for the letter from the King.

"My father wishes to speak with you now," Killian spoke softly from the door frame, causing Aldith to jump slightly in fright. Her hand reached for her wound, and a small pin of pain rushed from it. "Sorry, I did knock, but there was no answer."

"It's alright." Aldith calmed down to look at him. She held the letter in her right hand while her left was covering her wound. "If you would lead the way."

"Of course," Killian said as he waited for her to join him by the door before taking the lead and trailing through the daylit castle. The walls were mainly bare save for the few unlit torched and full suits of armour. After about five minutes of walking through twists and bends, they finally stopped outside two medium-sized doors. The Prince opened them after knocking twice and motioned for Aldith to enter. Following his orders, she gently walked in and looked down the room. Killian followed behind her and closed the doors.

"Father, this is Aldith."

"Yes, I have had the pleasure of meeting her before." King Aundel spoke deeply as he looked to her with anguish in his eyes.

"King Aundel, I wish these were better times." Aldith bowed to him as he motioned for her to sit next to him at his table.

"King Jehanel was a very dear friend of mine. His sudden death has shaken us all," King Aundel whispered before looking to Aldith, "But this must be hitting you quite hard."

"I try to keep my emotions in check, I have to complete his last orders," Aldith spoke before handing over King Jehanel's letter to King Aundel who took it with a surprised look. " King Jehanel informed me that it was of great importance that this letter reached you as soon as possible."

"I see," King Aundel spoke as he opened the letter and began to read its contents.

"He also wishes me to take back the kingdom and take the throne." Aldith spoke gently, "But I fear I cannot follow through with such an order as only someone of royal blood can take the Throne. And I am not." Aldith whispered, looking down to her hand on the table as it clenched into a ball with anger.

"I don't think that will be a problem." The King muttered as he finished reading the letter in his hands.

"Excuse me, your highness. I don't understand?" Aldith spoke with confusion in her voice.

"Aldith, King Jehanel knew about the attack."

"What!" Aldith spoke in a loud voice as she stood from her chair; everything in her mind went into overdrive. How did King Jehanel know about the attack? But if he did why did he not do anything about it?

"He spoke in the letter that he knew that Dorgoth was going to attack the city. But he did not know of when." King Aundel told her, "But Dorgoth struck a lot earlier then he expected."

"Oh god," Aldith spoke as her breathing began to grow heavier and faster. Her eyes darted back and forth as if trying to register what was happening in her mind.

"But that is not the only thing he speaks of within the letter." He spoke in a concentration voice. As if he was pondering over his thoughts on whether he should tell her or not. "Because he knew Dorgoth was going to attack, he has left clear instructions."

"Stop dragging this out, please," Aldith begged him to carry on. She was now struggling to keep her heartbeat in check as it thundered in her ears.

"It states that you, Aldith, are to take the throne should he pass." King Aundel told her, and she shook her head.

"There is more you are withholding from me, Or you would not have been so hesitant to tell me this."

"Indeed, but I fear you will not take to well to the information."

"Please, I need to know," Aldith whispered to him with tears lacing her eyes, threatening to fall. King Aundel took in a deep breath before looking down to the paper.

"Should I pass before my time, I leave the Throne to my daughter. Aldith Ravengill, who currently holds the position of the King's Knight." King Aundel babbled. Aldith seemed to be staring off in a blank look. "Though, no one knows she is my daughter, not even Alsith herself. I pray that one day she takes the Throne and becomes the Queen who will rule with a fair and just head. I know she has had a good life so far, and I know that you, King Aundel, will give her the best guidance in my absence."

Aldith stood from her chair as her breathing heaved. "So I ask of you, King Aundel, lend Aldith the assistance she needs to reclaim the Throne. I will forever be in your debt, King Jehanel."

"I need some air," Aldith said as she stumbled towards the door. Killian rushed up to her as he saw her become unstable on her feet. He managed just to reach her as she collapsed as her knees buckled from under her. Killian caught her as King Aundel called for the physician to be brought immediately.

"You're going to be alright," Killian whispered as he held her. He didn't know if she could hear him or not. But he felt the need and want to comfort her as she lay helplessly in his arms. "Everything is going to be alright."

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