you're serious, right? | 1

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AN: Hey yall! To be completely honest I'm writing this book to get ready for AP English next year and decided to incorporate something I like into what I'm writing. So why not haikyuu!! lol


It was a nice, cool night. The windows were open and music from the busy street below found it's way in Mizushima's bedroom. There was a party of some sort going on, but Mizushima could care less. Loud music coming from out the window overlayed the soundtrack coming from Breath of the Child, which annoyed the 16 year old girl. However, she simply grabbed a bluetooth headset and connected it to her Pii U handheld console.

Mizushima had gotten used to dusting the rest of the world's existence off her shoulders after years of doing so. She hadn't minded at all in elementary school, since loud kids weren't avoidable back then. But as her life progressed, she would find herself more and more annoyed by things distracting her from whatever console she had in her hand at the time. In middle school, Mizushima attempted to mingle with her peers, but she found no one she could befriend. Even the gamer group at school was a little peculiar; she acknowledged their love of gaming but their personalities didn't quite match with hers. So she resorted to gaming as a replacement of what should have been a normal social life.

Once high school rolled around, Mizushima had a set daily schedule.

1. Wake up
2. Game
3. Go to class
4. Game
5. Head home
6. Game
7. Homework
8. Game
9. Sleep
10. Repeat

Of course, life is not predictable, so days would differ now and then. So far, though, Mizushima's life had been focused on gaming and computers. And unlike most gamers, Mizushima planned on using her knowledge on gaming and code to work in a gaming company. She planned to have genuine qualifications on her resume, and not just a screenshot of the countless hours she spends on LMAO. Mizushima had her life laid out upon her, and she had no plans or even the connections to change it.


Mizushima heard a ring from her phone, and she picked it up immediately. The girl was not used to people calling her that weren't her parents so she assumed the caller was one of the two.


"Hi, Mizushima-san."

Mizushima froze. That voice did not belong to her mom nor dad.

"May I ask who this is..? I don't remember giving anyone my number." The conversation was carried on, but Mizushima was clueless on what to do in such a situation.

"Well... I would tell you but I'm keeping myself anonymous. I'm not here to be friends, I'm asking for a favor." It was a girl, she knew that much. Mizushima wished she payed more attention to the people and gossip in school, maybe it would give her a clue. If she was from her school in the first place. That's the only place anyone would be able to find out who she was, anyway.

"I guess I can't pry it off of you. But why would I do a favor for you? I don't know who you are and if you're dangerous or not so if you're just fucking around I'm going to hang up-"

"Call of Tooty."

"... I'm sorry?" Mizushima was cut off by the girl, who seemed annoyed.

"I have Call of Tooty: Modern Fartfare. My brother did some shady shit to get it before it was released so that I could bribe you. Now are you interested?" A sigh ended the sentence and Mizushima cleared her throat.

"Okay, maybe. Just send me a picture of the game next to a sharpener and a fork in the next minute or I won't believe you." The strange request was the result of a panicked Mizushima, however it was enough to prove the girl was being honest.

"Doing it right now... and sent."

Mizushima took the phone away from her ear and checked her messages. Sure enough, there it was. Even a little slip of paper with her number on it to make sure.

"Okay what do you want from me? I'm agreeing to this ordeal. The details can come later, I'm tired and I'm sure you are too." Mizushima avoided the conversation dragging on for too long. She had a game to play, after all.

"Jeez, okay." The girl complained, followed by silence. Mizushima rolled her eyes and beckoned her to continue with a hum.

"Okay and..?"

"I want you to go to our school's volleyball tournament and get Miya Atsumu's number."

'So this girl does attend the same school I do. Presumably either the same age as me or younger.' Mizushima pondered. But more importantly...

"Miya Atsumu? The Miya Atsumu??"

Even though Mizushima did not pay attention to her school's gossip, it was near impossible to ignore Miya Atsumu's existence. He was like a superstar. Not just in the school, the whole prefecture. Mizushima never planned on interacting with him, and treated him like any other person in school. But she would never have imagined...

"Yes, him."


"You're serious, right?"

𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮, 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧, 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩! | 𝙢. 𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙪Where stories live. Discover now