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In the land of Meshir, which is full of kingdoms and magic, there's a legend about a wizard that was so powerful, he had control of the entire world, his name is rumored to be Sermis, although no one truly knows. No king could defeat him, even with their huge armies. No one knows how he got so powerful, we just know that he was, but his death remains a mystery.

When the body was supposedly found, he had a face of fear, no one knows the cause of death, we just know that he died in fear. What did he face that would have left him like that? Where is the body now?

Well, I don't know, I've been living in a small village for my entire life. I heard of this legend from my father, who's been dead for a few years. I only have my mother and younger brother with me in this earth, but I have to leave them. I must go to the center of Meshir, where the kingdom of Saari resides and find a path that best suits me and my goals. I don't hate my village, I actually love it to death, but if you want to be something other than a farmer, you have to leave and find a better place to live. All I had to do was walk in an almost straight path through a forest to get to where I wanted to go.

"We will miss you, please be careful!" My mother said. She also gave me a bag with food for the trip, that was very nice of her to do. "I hope you can come visit us when you become a knight" That part will always haunt me mainly because I wasn't sure I'd come back.

At one point in my journey, I noticed some wolves approaching me, but they weren't acting in a hostile manner, they were just looking at me. I decided to run away from them, mainly because I don't like to hunt animals. They started to chase me, I was obviously not faster than any of them, so I decided to take some food I had in my bag and threw it at a different direction so they would go somewhere else.

It worked, I managed to escape from them, but I ended up having a lot less food, so that worried me a bit. I kept walking. 

Halfway through the trip, I started hearing noises, I kept walking, but I got cautious, because I started hearing a voice and a sound of a creature. I eventually saw what I was hearing, it was a wounded sorcerer trying to fight a bear. It was clear that the wizard was no match for that bear, so I decided to help, but I knew that I would be mauled easily. I tried to create a distraction by screaming and throwing some of the food I had left in my bag somewhere else, just as I did with the wolves. The bear fell for it and left the sorcerer alone.

I then approached the sorcerer, "Are you all right?" I asked. "Yes, my wounds will heal, but not as quickly as I'd like" the sorcerer responded. I couldn't determine if it was a man or a woman, I didn't ask.

"Yeah, here, I have this potion, it'll help your wounds heal faster." I said as I gave a potion to the wizard.

"Thank you, may Sermis help you in the future" The sorcerer said. That name... "I'm Izai, What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Sima, nice to meet you" Sima said. "Who did you just mention?" I asked. "Sermis? The All Powerful Wizard?" Sima said. "Oh, you meant him..."  I responded. "Oh I believe everything that I've heard about him, even though I'm his offspring, I never met him" Sima said.

I didn't know what to respond to that, even though I had heard of the legend, I didn't really believe in it, I don't think that a wizard can be that powerful. Even though I didn't believe in Sermis, I decided to respect Sima's beliefs and not say anything, what I couldn't understand what the part where Sima said that it was his offspring.

"What do you mean that you are his offspring? Didn't he die half a century ago?" I said, Sima looked very young, it was way too hard for me to believe what it said. "He did, but even though I may look young, I'm 700 years old" Sima said. I didn't believe that for a second, but I wasn't in the mood for a debate with someone I had just met. "I'm sorry that you had to give the bear your food, here have some." Sima said as it gave me something I couldn't recognize, it looked like leaves. I accepted.

"Are you heading somewhere?" Sima asked. "Yes I'm going to Saari" I responded. "Oh! I'm actually going to that direction! I'm going to the Blue Sea on the other side of Meshir! Maybe we can walk together to Saari" Sima said. To be honest, I didn't care if I walked alone or with someone, so I accepted, maybe it's better this way.

So after Sima's wounds healed, we started walking. "So Izai, why are you going to Saari?" Sima asked, "Oh, I'm going there to be a knight, I heard that they are accepting anyone that can fight, so I decided to take that chance and leave my village" I responded. "Oh, so no royal background is necessary? I've never heard of that before." Sima said. "I know, it does sound weird, but still, I want to see if I can become a knight" I responded. "That's all right" Sima said.

"And why do you want to go to the Blue Sea?" I asked. "Oh, I want to see if Sermis' body is there" Sima responded. "What?! How would you know something like that?" I said. "Well, I've been getting a lot of dreams that have all taken place near a cave in the Blue Sea, I think it's a sign that his body might be there." Sima said. I gave it a weird look. "You don't believe me, do you?" Sima said. "You can come with me and see! I'm sure he's there!"

"No thanks, I believe you, I just want to get to Saari." I said, I'm sure that Sima is delusional, I can't believe that anyone would believe in something like that. We continued walking, we were getting closer and closer to Saari.

But I never got there.

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