the one and only chapter mayhaps

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Warning: smut involved, ma18+ only people over the aged of 12 can read this !!

It was a tuesday afternoon and Kermit was tired from school. He short green leaf legs could not catch up with the train that was departing its platform.

"FUk" Kermit stubbed his 4th toe on a rubbish bin as he was running.

Kermit looks around in shame to see an asian guy looking at him. He was wearing the same uniform as kermit.

"This day can't get any worse" kermit said under his breath.

Kermit and the boy stare at each other for a while before kermit had enough of the silent judging.

"What are you looking at!?" kermit says in his most fierce voice possible but failed as his voice cracked.

The boy just looked at kermit as kermit did the ultimate power move and started crying.

"You ok?" the boy asks kermit, holding out a handcloth.

Kermit looks up at him, his eyes red from the tears.

"You're kermit right? I'm dylan" the boy takes kermit's hand and helps him up from the ground.

Dylan notices kermit's toe that is pounding bright red. In that moment of time, Kermit was standing up, tears still slightly in his eyes. Dylan kneels down to Kermit's toe and touches it, examining the damage that had taken place. As Dylan's fingers come in contact with Kermit's toe, Kermit moans (wat the fuk am i writing).

"D-dylan san" kermit moans.

Kermit feels tingles across his green body. The velvet fur on his body stiffens as dylan caresses kermit's toe.

"Stop dylan san" kermit's voice was about to give in to the pleasure of the pain.

Dylan looks kermit straight in the eye. Kermit can hear his heart beat loudly.

"What is this feeling, i've never felt like this before." kermit's body is heating up.

"To be honest Kermit, i've been looking at you since the first day of school. It was at the canteen, i was starting my 2nd year at the school and I saw you walking in with your friends. I ordered my usual milk with ice when you appeared next me and said to the canteen lady 'imma eat yo ass if you dont give me a screen door to eat" Dylan had gotten up from the floor and was now holding both of kermit's hands.

"You were so aggressive for someone so smol and it was instant love" Dylan began to rub kermit's hands in a circular motion.

Dylan slowly moved up kermit's arm caressing every inch of kermit's body

"D-dylan san please"

"What's wrong kermit, do you want more" dylan whispers into kermit's ears

This was the final straw for kermit, his knees gave in and he fell. Luckily Dylan caught him, princess style.

"Your answer?"

Kermit nods, clinging onto Dylan's neck, hiding his face in embarrassment. Dylan carries them into the public bathroom. Dylan does not hesitate to pull of his pants teasing kermit with his baseball bat.

"Dylan san, please give it to me already" kermit cries his voice shaking.

Yeh i don't think i can write anymore sorry.

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