Favors Returned, Debts Repaid

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A bright moon in the sky, a clear wind from the side, in the desolate mountain wild, falling into a handsome man's embrace.

Is there anything under the heavens that is more romantic and more blessed?

The lucky Meng Fuyao's face instantly turned scarlet red shocking red deep red light red the various colors of red cycling at a fast speed, finally returning to its normal colors. She peeked at the shameless hottie opposite, who with a straight face and back respectfully said, "Since that's what you want, I guess I'll have to grudgingly oblige."

With a flip of her fingers, she fitted a couple steel needles which glinted while hidden between the gaps of her fingers.

If you dare touch, I'll pierce your ya ya.[1]


Two hands about to grasp, two cheeks about to meet, a fat rodent comes in between, pushing left and blocking right.

There is nothing under the heavens that is more mood killing and more despicable.

Before Meng Fuyao had time to push the other down then pierce him to death, with a "shua" sound Master Yuanbao suddenly shot out from who-knows-what corner, jumping up and soaring over the ground. With a "curled-bodied split-legged backward 180 degree attack", four claws brandished and separately impacted onto the two people's faces.

Meng Fuyao immediately palm-slapped Master Yuanbao down with a "pa" sound, taking the chance to retreat three zhang away.

Master Yuanbao dropped into the man's outstretched palm, at once flipping over and hugging his fingers while crying with a zhi zhi sound.

Meng Fuyao eyed the little fellow with disdain, even though she had to thank it for helping herself escape the situation, wasn't his method of doing so a little too abnormal?

Her eyes left the spoiled crazy fat rat, landing on the man. After traveling through the jianghu for so many years, Meng Fuyao liked to think of herself as having a bit of an eye for people. The guy before her, despite every one of his words being seductive silliness, had no hints of lust or hunger in the expressions of his eye corners and brows. His elegant demeanor implied a noble's aura, and his eyes held no ill-intentioned desires.

Was it really only because he saw the scene of Pei Yuan scheming against her, that he lent a hand to help?

The status of the Profound Origin sword sect in the Tai Yuan Empire was not low, with many past and possibly future high officials and distinguished individuals. Looking at the timing and place where he appeared, did he have any relation with the Profound Origin sect? If he was the sect's friend, then why would he help her to oppose the sect?

Deeply breathing in, Meng Fuyao decided to not continue mulling over this unsolvable question. She could see that this guy wasn't some simple person, and asking wouldn't give her any information. Furthermore, if he wanted to harm her, a little twist of his finger would be enough - there was no reason for him to use such a circular method.

Besides, right now there was something she had to do first.

Meng Fuyao didn't linger on the things she was powerless to change, since she would not allow someone who had harmed her to walk free.

While regulating her breathing, dusting her sleeves, and tidying up her robes, from her bosom she also took out something to apply to the dagger at her waist.

It was a type of sap produced in Qing Region's Lifting Wind Nation, refined from "Never-Wound Flowers". This sap was not poisonous, but once it entered a wound it would cause it to fester and become longer-lasting and harder to cure.

Empress Fu Yao [Volume 1] (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now