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I have been running for a while... Rogue life isn't pretty, especially when you're new to this lifestyle. Hell new to this all werewolf and supernatural kinda things. I was born human and one night, one bite bought me to this world. A bitten werewolf is rare... indeed unheard of... That's what he savior Mark, who bought me to this world and taught me about their world.

I have a habit of wandering around the forest. Woods feels like home. I never had friends. I find my joy in looking at endless greenery. It was just another day in the forest but it also was my 18th birthday. I spend my whole day in the woods. It was the day I was bitten. Who thought it will become an unforgettable day for me.

" Kayla...You're special. Never forget that.. you hold the key to the future of our world, a marvelous Whitewolf, a leader". Mark said before dying in my hands. Reaven pack wolfs hurt him really badly and he still manages to escape from their territory.

I hold the tears threatened to shed. He was the only one I had..and the only family I have ever been into. Being an orphan I never experienced love from parents. And mark came as a light in my dark life. Now I was all alone again. I think that's life.

Finally, I reached the Reaveen pack territory. I don't know why but something was calling me there. Mark made me promise that I will never set foot into their territory. But I'm sorry mark this need to be done. I need to know why you have gone there which costed your life.

I can see they have heavily guarded their boundary. patrolling wolves are high on alert. I wonder why... Maybe they came to know that I will be visiting them. I chuckled at myself.

Reaven alpha Jackson is known to be the most ruthless and tyrant. He doesn't care for his own pack members. He will kill them mercilessly for small mistakes. Many packs tried to overthrow him but it was impossible because he will overpower them in a blink of an eye. His own mate and children became victims of his wrath.

With one swift motion, I crossed their territory. I'm fast as the wind, one of the perks of being Whitewolf. And I can hide my scent as well. But I didn't hide my scent one of the patrolling wolves seems to notice it. Werewolf has highlighted senses. They can smell and hear from a mile.

"Rogue..." He yelled. Yeah..! I finally caught some attention. But there is shock mixed terrifying look on everyone's face. May be their first time seeing a whitewolf.whitewolfs are extremely rare and they possess an immense amount of strength and speed. I was bitten by a Whitewolf which turned me into a werewolf, that's the best logical explanation of why a former human becomes a Whitewolf.

I increased my speed and headed to the woods, which woke up them from their trance and started chasing me. My wolf enjoys a good chase and she decided to give them a play. After a few moments, someone tackled me to ground. I quickly recovered and growled at the wolf. We circled each other, by the looks of power emitting from him he is a beta or third in command. Of course, he is no match for me. More wolves joined him.

He commanded, after a little hesitation, I shifted back to my human form and decided to end the play. Someone throws me a piece of cloth. Everyone is staring at me curiously. The beta seemed like he is mindlinking someone. pack wolves have the ability to communicate through mind.  they can read each other's minds. I never get to experience because I'm a rogue.

"Take her to the cellar" he commanded a warrior.

Great..! Just like I thought. To my surprise the dungeons isn't bad as I expected. I only saw it in films, it was my first time to be in one... I got to experience these wonderful things thanks to my werewolf life. Yeah...! I'm actually enjoying my dark fate. Suddenly something hit on my head and darkness came unwelcomed.

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