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I slowly opened my eyes. There is a glimpse of light coming from an airhole, other than that it's pitch black. I felt like hit by a train. Groaning from the pain I slowly angled my body into sitting position.

There are a few other prisoners. I can tell by their scent, All rogues. waiting for their cruel destiny. Alpha Jackson has no mercy for rogues. It's like a personal vendetta for him to eliminate the rogue kind. I wonder what's he planning for me.

I got up and inspected the cells, it's silver. Silver is deadly for wolves but it doesn't affect me. I can bear its pain. I can easily break through this cellar but I waited. I came here, this deathly pack to get some answers. Something tells me that I can find it here. I need to find what Mark was hiding and which caused his death. I won't leave until I find out them.


A voice startled me. It was coming from a nearby cell.

"Anna is that you ?"

I decided to stay silent.

" Anna I know you're here I can sense your scent"

"I'm sorry... your mistaken I'm not Anna, "I replied

"But your scent it is same like Anna's. I know it. But it's impossible..." He trailed off.

I can hear distant footsteps. Someone's coming. I quickly pretend to sleep. I can sense it's the beta and another guard. They stopped at my cell.

" Alex I got a feeling that I met her before. Her scent is familiar." The guard said

"Me too. But it's not possible. I informed the alpha, he will be here soon." Alex the beta replied.

"I feel pity for her. He will destroy her like he did to the other white.."

"Stop" Alex cut before he could say anything.

Hmmm, interesting.. so there was another white wolf. I wonder what happened to her or him.

"Shut your damn mouth before you say anything about you will regret later" Alex snapped.

"I'm sorry" guard mumbled. I got a feeling that beta has some sort of connection with the Whitewolf, it's a sensitive topic to him.

"By the way now you can stop pretending to sleep," Alex said before leaving.

What the hell how did he know..!!

Hours passed. I was waiting patiently. The man next door decided to ignore my existence but I still made the initiative for small talks. After the n'th time I accepted my defeat. A guard came with some bread and water. I was starving, I never thought a piece of bread will make me this happy. I finished it in a second and hopefully looked at the guard for more. I showed him my best puppy eyes. He seemed to be falling for it and after a sigh, he gave me more bread. I thanked him for thousand times and eagerly finished my food and fell into a dreamless sleep.

A powerful aura woke me up from my beauty sleep. It was approaching the dungeons. I know, it was him, the alpha. Finally, I get to meet him. I was dreading for this moment. He came into view, stood in front of my cell with a dangerous aura, power was emanating from his body. His aura doesn't affect me at all. If I was a normal wolf I would have pissed in my pants. But thankfully I'm not.

I know the rumor was true the moment I met him. Cruelty was engraved in his face. His eyes were dead, no emotion in them except wrath. He is indeed a dangerous man.

" What a surprise l got here. A Whitewolf. Especially The one that reek of my fucking sister" he screeched. I was too shocked to say something. I stood there dumbfounded.

Then it hit me very hard. His sister was the one who bit me. It was her pack, what's why it was calling me. I tried to process the information. Hundreds of questions clouded in my mind. What happened to her? Who's mark, is he from the same pack too? Is mark related to her??!!!

"Looks like the little bitch is in her dreamworld." He spat. That pulled me out of the trance and I shot him my hardest glare.

"You have no idea what I planned for you.." he smiled evilly." You wish you never had born. You will suffer just like her. My only regret was I didn't get to kill her, someone did it before I cloud. Now you're here to fulfill my wishes. I will enjoy every moment of it. Torture you like hell. I will make sure of that" it was like a promise. I gulped. But didn't show him any emotion. I stood still. No, I won't give him any satisfaction. I will not show him my fear.

My lack of reaction fuelled his anger. I think he will explode at any moment.
I was waiting for a burst.

"Alphaaaaaa" we are interrupted by a high pitch voice. It was Alex.

"They are here.... again"

alpha Jackson let out a vicious was so scary.

"You are saved by the bell whore" with that he shifted into his large brown wolf and sprinted off.

I stood there like an idiot..

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