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I was pacing back and forth. Alpha's words made me restless. There is a lot to take in. But one thing I'm sure about that I can't stay here for a second longer. His presence terrifies me. Now I'm actually considering about breaking through the cellars.


An ear cracking sound appeard along with screams and growls. It must be "them" as in the beta mentioned earlier. A fight is going on. It alerted my senses and I stand there in a defensive position. I'm a fair fighter. Mark had given me some intensive trainings, he said he was preparing me. I didn't know what he meant then. But now it is slowly coming to sense.

Suddenly a most alluring scent hit me. It was distant but strong enough to make me froze in the moment. My wolf was going crazy and demanding to break the cellar and find its origin. I was having a hard time controlling her. But it was gone as fast it come. It was felt like I was thrown out of a magical moment. I fell into my knees. Took some time to compose myself. What was that...!!???

"You must defeat him and end this misery for once and all." Mystery man, my prison mate said. That woke me up from trance.

"You already know that you're turned for a reason. this is it. You must kill him..... Save us, all of us."

What ??!!

I was too shocked to say something. No I can't kill anyone. I grieved two days for a frog whom I killed accidentally.I didn't sign for this, No..

"Listen to me.. I know what you're thinking. But this is your destiny. You can't hide from it. Mark was preparing you for this. Do you want his death be really for nothing" ??

That caught me off guard."How do you know him.." I wisperd

Another ear shattering sound came with an explosion out of nowhere. Impact made me hug the walls. Dust and fog blocked my eyes. I recovered quickly. Half of the dungeons is distroyed. Prisoners were escaping. My sole attention was to find mystery man. But no luck. He owe me some answers. I tried to follow his scent. It lead me outside. Sight was horrifying. Bodies of wolves scattered on ground, fully and half shifted. I don't think I can ever get the sight out of head. A terrific bloodbath.

Wolves are still fighting. They are fighting with humans...??? Nooo they did look like humans but..... Humans don't possess the strength and speed to kill wolves single handed.. and they are drinking blood !! Ohh nooo.. vampires.

God.. what I got myself into..

I shifted and ran with full speed. I didn't even tried to look back. At the moment my only aim was to get away. I can't handle it. I'm not strong enough.The whole blood and that stranger's words.. there is lot to take in. I'm not that person I can't kill anyone. Suddenly someone tackled me to ground. I was so distracted that I didn't even heard it coming. I quickly recovered. Alpha Jackson.. he was in human form. He tried to blow a kick in my stomach but I dodged.

"Do you really think you can escape from me..." He taunted. " In your dreams"

I shifted back to my human form. "What the hell do you want from me" I yelled. Emotions flooded in me.

" Haa bitch got tongue. I don't want anything from you, I just want to remove your existence from the world."


"Why.!! You really have some guts to ask me that. You are the reminder of my dear sister." He spat " That fucking bitch ruined my life. She was born to kill me, to distroy me. But sad.. I distroyed her"

" You are a Maniac. Why did she want to distroy you ? she is your sister you psyco..!"

He laughed evilly." She tried to take my alpha position. It was mine, only mine. She thought she could have it because she is some mighty white wolf. Even my parents sided with them. So I killed them, every one. Then you come into the picture. A wolf made by my sister to distroy me. Luckly you came directly to my trap. You know i was hunting for you. But they hid you very well. Then I made an awesome plan to lure you out of your cave. I killed Mark "

I was boiling inside. His words must have triggered something in me. Becouse I no longer feel it's a sin to kill someone. He deserved to die. Actually it's a sin to let him live. My whole gesture changed. I want blood, his blood. And nothing will stop me.

I shifted in to my wolf and charged, send him flying to a tree. That took him by surprise. But he also shifted. We circled each other. He made first move, he managed to bit my hands and kick my stomach region. I cried out in pain. But managed let off. I was limping. He is very strong but I'm stronger. I quickly send a kick to his shoulder but he Dodge it just like I hoped. I took that chance and bit him in stomach and managed to get a chunk of his skin. He howled in pain. I showed him no mercy I took charge and snapped his neck. His lifeless body hit the ground. I was on a rampage. I shifted back. Only then I became aware of my surroundings.

Beta Alex stood there with an unexplainable look in his face. There are few other pack members with him. I snarled at them. And take a defensive position. I was more than ready to take one more life. My wolf also agreed with me. He take a step forward and did something unexpected.

He fell on his knees and submitted to me..


He acknowledged without directly looking into my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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