What do you know? - 16

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Rainbow HQ

I take a seat looking at the man across the able from me. I have Seamus behind me if the man tries to act up. We don't want to use force, but we are willing to.

"Prior to us stopping the robbery your group had prepared to make another attack, is this correct?"
???: "Yes"
"Your organization is called 'The White Masks', is this correct?"
WM: "Yes"
"Where are you striking next?"
WM: "I will never tell scum like you"
"We will use force. Would you like to rethink your decision?"
WM: "No"
"He's all yours Cav."


The mans head connects with the table.

Taina: "Answer the question!"
WM: "I will never tell you where they are."
"Put the rag on."

It was a horrifying sight. Taina proceeded to waterboard the man. After doing it for about 20 seconds she stopped allowing the man to breath.

WM: "You won't kill me"
"We know. But by the time we're done, you'll wish we would"

We proceeded to interrogate the man for another two hours before calling it a day. I went back to my room to relax when I got a knock on my door. I wasn't surprised when it opened to Ela.

She went and sat down on my bed as we talked about our day. She talked about how her sister was that day and really just the normal things that we talked about.

Or at least it was normal until she asked about what I did prior to meeting her. I told her about what I went through when climbing up the ranks but I was excited to tell her about Price.

"But as my first major thing that I've done prior to meeting you would probably be my raid in the Middle East with John McTavish but we all called Soap and Captain John Price. During the raid I fought a man with a sword, it was fun with those legends."
Ela: "Seems nice"

I was about to continue the story when there was another knock on the door. I opened it to see Taina.

Taina: "Sorry for interrupting what ever this was, but I have something to tell you. Can we talk outstide?"
"Sure thing"

We walked out and I closed the door behind us.

Taina: "I think I know how to crack him."
Taina: "He's got a family in Iraq. I have their location but I have no way of getting them"
"I have the perfect person for the job"

30 minutes later

We got in contact with the British Military and we filed our request. They responded with a yes and we were able to get him on the job. Now all we had to do was wait.

40 Hours later

The package was set to arrive soon. We didn't get anything out of him yesterday but today should be different. We went to the room we held him in and waited.

WM: "Have you guys given up?"
"No just waiting"
WM: "Waiting on what?"
"You'll see soon enough"

30 minutes later

After 30 minutes it was time. The package had arrived and I was going to pick it up. I went out to the parking area to see an unlabeled van with the what we wanted. A man with an all too familiar face stepped out of the drivers side.

Price: "Son of a bitch, Y/N. It's been a while."
"We'll catch up later, I got work to do."
Price: "You sure you don't want me in on this one? I'm sure I could help."
"We already have enough psychopaths in the room. If you can stay for a couple hours I'd gladly show you around."
Price: "Sadly I have to get back but we'll meet up later. Now you have business to attend to."
"Let's see what we got here."

I opened the back of the van to see the wife and the son. I'm not going to feel good about doing this. I started to escort them to the interrogation building. I got many stares but people didn't ask questions. Before entering I put rags on their heads and reached the door.

The way the roomed worked was there was the interrogation in the room and transcribers in the room next to us seeing and listening to what happens. I turned to them and asked

"Things might get ugly, leave if you don't want to watch."

Only 2 of the 5 left. Good. I entered the room with the mans family and sat them on chairs next to him.

WM: "How did you find them!?"
"I got what you wanted Cav. Now let's make this work."
Wife: "You said we weren't going to be involved in this, and now you've brought your own child into this."
WM: "Let them go! They have nothing to do with this!"
Taina: "And they won't if you tell us where they are striking next"
WM: "I will never tell you!"
"Are you sure about that"

I picked up a P226 Mk 25 pistol off Seamus and pointed it at him

"Answer the question"
WM: "Yeah go ahead shoot me! Kill me and you'll never get what your looking for!"

I then pointed the gun at his family

"Answer the question!"
WM: "Please they have nothing to do with this."
"Get the boy"

Sledge picked the kid up and I pointed the gun at the kid.

WM: "Okay okay. The next place they are going to attack is-

Comment on the one you want to vote
-Mount Rushmore
-Statue of Liberty
-Big Ben
-Golden gate bridge
-Sports Stadium (type which one)
-Other (describe in comment)

A/n bet you guys hate me for the cliffhanger but I couldn't think of a location for the action chapter to take place. Voting will be up until March 20 so get your votes in. Anyways tell me what you think of this system and if I should use it more in the future.

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