dying feels odd (Chapter 11)

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I hit the hard ground as rain hits my body. The cold air giving me chills. Loud sounds break out all around me. I look around to see men in green uniforms carrying guns and shouting commands. It all looked a bit old, the guns, the uniforms, all of it.

???: "Natalie, get your ass off the ground and advance!"

Natalie? What? I get up and follow orders, I look at my gun to see it is an M1 Garand. I look around and see I'm on a grey beach, bunkers are by the land with soldiers moving towards it. I turn around and see American naval ships at sea with boats carrying more soldiers off it. My body starts to move as if I am a spectator. I watch as I advance toward one over the bunkers. I jump on top of one and slowly make my way towards the entrance. I jump down and unleash fire on the men inside of it. I kill the first one before any of the others know what is going on. The other two turn but are shot down before they could land a shot. I feel a puncture in my back as a knife erupts from my stomach as white slowly encases my vision. I close my eyes and wait for it to be over.

Once I open them again somebody is in front of me wearing an old World War Two outfit.

???: "And that's how it happened"
"And you are?"
Natalie: "You didn't remember, Natalie, your grandmother. Kids these days."
"We're you the one I just watched die?"
Natalie: "Yep, Iwo Jima 1945. Things were much different back then."
"Have you always been watching?"
Natalie: "Not until you were born no"
"What's so special about me?"
Natalie: "What isn't special about you kid. Look I was sent here to keep you on the right track."
"So where am I now?"
Natalie: "You're dreaming, and would you look at that out of time again, see ya kid"

She kicked me again and when I woke up I was in a cold sweat and hyperventilating. It was four in the morning, out of time my ass. I decided that I would just get the day started and got ready. After I finished up I got some coffee.

I made my way to the gun range and started practicing, getting a new record on the ten target course. At around 5:40 people started to head in as well. I figured breakfast would be soon so I headed to the cafeteria.I made my way to a sleep deprived Ela with my food.

"What kept you up all night?"
Ela: "My sister"
"What were you guys arguing about this time?"
Ela: "Same old shit, we need to fix us. She needs to let me be me."
"Well she is your older sister, she is naturally protective."
Ela: "But I've told her to shut up on multiple occasions. You'd think she would get the picture by now but no"
"How about you set a time, it doesn't have to be soon, in which you talk to your sister about your issues. Until then just don't talk to her or anything. We can't have this affect your work Ela, do it if not for you, but for the people. The people we are trying to protect."
Ela: "You know that isn't that bad of a plan, but how do I confront her, what if she gets mad at me?"
"Ela, why would she? Come on you got this, I can tell her if you want."

Ela was on the verge of tears by now so we went into my room. We continued to discuss things until she completely broke down and was weeping on my shirt, soaking it in the process. That was when somebody knocked at the door.

I went over to the door expecting to see Monika or Timur. But no, it was a fucking knuckle sandwich.

"Fuck! What the hell?!"

I never got a good look at who punched me in the nose but I had an idea who when Ela yelled

Ela: "Siostra! Co kurwa!"
(Sister! What the fuck!)
Zofia: "Ten człowiek próbował cię zgwałcić!"
(This man tried to rape you!)
Ela: "Nie!"
"English, please."
Zofia: "What did you try to do to my sister?!"
"She was sad that you two fought so I was trying to find a way to solve it, then you fucked up my nose."

I said while pointing to it and showing the fact that it was bleeding.

Ela: "Sister, don't worry about me. I am a grown woman."
Zofia: "An easily seduced grown woman."

Ela grown and flopped back on the bed.

"Who told that I was going to preform sexual acts on her?"
Zofia: "Dominic"
"Why wouldn't it be him. Either ways, I will not ever do that to your sister, you have my word. Now if you could please exit the room so we could keep talking, that would be nice."
Zofia: "No"
"Well then, I am going to clean my nose up until you leave."

I continued to hear them argue while in the bathroom, they are going to need some serious counseling. I heard the door slam and headed out of the bathroom to see who left. Zofia finally left and Ela was still weeping on the bed.

"Well you should probably head back now"
Ela: "What about your nose?"
"Nothing too bad, I'll probably be fine tomorrow. Either ways, let's try and fix your relationship with her. I don't want this to split the team."
Ela: "Alright. Thanks by the way, for saving me in Poland and now this."
"No need, besides it's my job."

Ela laughed a bit and headed out the door, that laugh, it was incredible. It makes me feel something that I haven't felt in a while, I can't put my finger on it. It's whatever, it can wait for later.

A/n: Hope you liked the new chapter, the support on this story is absolutely insane. Every time I see a new comment it makes my day and I want you guys to know that you are truly special to me. Anyways I should be updating my stories more.

                                                      Sincerely, A10Warthog

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