They're Suing You?

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"They're suing you?" is the first thing that left Lisa's mouth when Waylon has received a letter saying Murkoff Corporation was taking him to court. 

"I know, I can't believe them. First they expect me to remain loyal to them after watching what they do to harmless people, then they try to stop me escaping and making sure no one else is harmed by them, and now they're suing me thinking that they can get away with what they're doing so long as I don't win the case." Waylon ranted. 

"So what are you gonna do?"

Waylon turned around and walked over to the closet, there was a box next to the shoes, and when he opened it, he brandished the camcorder he had been using to navigate his escape from Mount Massive Asylum. "This is my proof, it's not much but hopefully it's enough to make the jury vote for me while I find more evidence." Waylon explained, he didn't show her the footage, what happened in there was too graphic for the human world to experience. 

"You really think they're gonna let you find more proof during a trial when you need to be defending yourself against what Murkoff have to say about you?" Lisa had a point, if he was gonna find more evidence, he needed someone else to get it for him. 

But who? He though about it for a second before it clicked: 

Miles Upshur.

The one he had asked to make a scoop on what Murkoff were doing. Immediately he sprinted to his laptop, opened it and started typing an email. 

Dear Miles Upshur,

I apologise if this is an inappropriate time to be asking for this, but Murkoff are suing me for leaking their information, and I need evidence to support my case. 

I understand if you're still distressed from your previous track through Mount Massive Asylum, but I would like to ask that if you picked up any documents from your journey, I would benefit from using them as proof. I would also suggest using any footage you captured from the asylum, the more proof I have, the better a chance we stand at taking down Murkoff. 

Please let me know soon, if we're not fast enough, Murkoff could win. 

Yours faithfully, 

Waylon Park. Aka: your anonymous source.

And with that, he hit send and closed his laptop. 

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