Chapter 11

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(3rd Person PoV)

It's been a week since Tanjiro and the other two went with Uzui to do a mission they came back yesterday but Uzui lost an arm and resigned as a pillar while Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu was hurt really bad, he had Kanao by his side  but he wasn't waking up yet while (Y/N) and Mitsuri were training since they still have missions.

(Y/N): "Hey Mitsuri I have gotten stronger you know... Like I feel super awesome than before I can control my eyes perfectly now and I now know to do all the breathing forms of the breathing of the moon."

He said while poking her side with his wooden sword.

Mitsuri: "I know I know, how about if we go eat some ramen, I'll cook them for you."

(Y/N): "Say less."

(Y/N) lifts her up and carried her to the house so he could eat.

(Timeskip to next week)

(Y/N)'s PoV

(Y/N):' I'm a bit annoyed... I wanted to sleep today, but I can't believe Mitsuri woke me up early just to check on Tanjiro, god.'

I kept walking and get to the Kocho state then enter the place to find Kanao and Tanjiro... Wait but he's awake, why did I have to come if he's fine.

(Y/N): "Am I interrupting something?"

Kanao start blushing and shakes her head while Tanjiro looks at me dumbfounded then the Kakushi comes and also finds Tanjiro awake and shouts at Kanao for not telling everyone that Tanjiro has woken up... Does he realize he just did it? God I'm annoyed too much... Wait he's looking at me.

The Kakushi keeps looking at me straight then kneels and bangs his head to the floor.


I stop him by putting a head to his head.

(Y/N): "Listen man, just stand up, I'm not in a good mood for this so don't worry this time."

He stands up and bows then the 3 little girls comes to spoil Tanjiro, it seems? I don't really know at this point...


Great... Someone just came inside with a blank- Of course, it had to be Aoi..

Hajime: "AOIIIII COME BAKCKK.... Oh sup (Y/N)"

He looks at me and waves.

(Y/N): "Hey."

Aoi starts crying on Tanjirou's leg crying that she was glad he's awake, but the poor dude needs to sleep, it can be seen in his face.

Tanjiro: "Thank... You... Are... The others... Doing... Okay? "

He asked with a tired face as the Kakushi tells him that Zenitsu is already out on a job, Uzui is fine and he's with his wives.

Tanjiro: "Oh, okay... And Inosuke?"

Aoi cries a bit while the others look at him a bit sad.

Aoi: "Inosuke was in terrible condition, the poison had circulated through his body, so were too late to stop the bleeding."

I hear someone in the ceiling is moving slowly so I look up and I'm just shocked.

Tanjiro: "Oh... Okay, then I must be hallucinating Inosuke clinging to the ceiling there...."

They all look above and get scared.

Inosuke: "Amazing Tanpachirou I'm impressed, I am the man who woke up seven days before you!"

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