Forever Myself

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Hi everybody .... I hope you all fine .....

Here we are at the end of my story: "Gay and Christian". I hope you liked it, and that it allowed you to learn from it ...

Today I realized a lot: After doing research, I understood that indeed in the USA, many young people commit suicide; moreover, it's very common here, and most of these young people are LGBT. And among the LGBT people who end their lives, most come from religious families.

The question I ask myself is how? Why ? Religion is supposed to be the way by which we, human beings, feel close to God and mainly feel in peace with ourselves, in the path of the just. But I see that religion is the source of many deaths, many suicides; so what's going on?

Thanks to Mom, I realized that God also loves LGBT people; then did the bible lie? Why teach hatred of homosexuals to young people, to children? Well...

* First, according to my interpretation of the bible, it castigates homosexuality as a demonic work because at that time, Men were corrupt and perverse; so homosexuality just like sex with animals was a degrading activity among many other activities with unhealthy and repugnant intentions - for example, today, pedophilia is considered an unhealthy and repugnant activity, just like fucking an animal-. The difference is that nowadays, the homosexual is not homosexual by choice - finally! for the most- and especially not out of a desire to pervert as some religious and homophobic people simply believe.

* Second, homophobic hatred is taught to young people and children - to the youngest - in order to limit the possibilities of having homosexual children: If I do not want my son to be gay, what better than to make him hate the gays? Thus, I limit the risks of him becoming one, even if I make him homophobic, and maybe even murderer.

Today, I finally understood that I must be respected: It is true that in high school, I made the law, and I was respected by the law of the most powerful, but not in the right way. I let others morally belittle me by homophobic comments that I had to approve so as to not appear too weird; I made myself respected by humiliating and crushing those I despised. So in the end, it was not the respect they had for me, but just fear.

Now I realize that to be respected, it's enough to remain yourself, to show others that we know who we are and that despite their insults and disdain, we remain ourselves, we remain who we are. Getting respect begins with self-esteem - I'm not talking about being arrogant or spiteful; before demanding respect from others, we must already give ourselves respect, that is to say that instead of doing Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth, we must show those who treat us of devils, that we are and remain angels. No one will respect you if you don't respect yourself.

Today, I have finally understood that I will never conform to society, to social ideals. I deny social conformism, I refuse imposture - I don't wanna pretend being someone else to make me accept -. If you don't love me as I am, then cross your path, because I, never, will try to please you: What you think of me, I don't care at all...

Today, I realized that Dad was never aware of the mistreatment that his brothers and sisters subjected us - me and my brothers and sisters-. We talked about it one afternoon, and I finally figured out that instead of shutting myself out like I did while thinking he knew and had forsaken me, I should've trusted him and been more open towards him and Mom: Loneliness is very bad counselor and can push us to commit the irreparable.

Today I finally understand that I am lucky to have great parents who have proven to me several times that they will always be there for me and will never give me up.

Through stories of gay or LGBT people who have been persecuted but have kept on moving forward, to be and remain themselves, I have understood that I did not have to bow my head for God loves as I am: Yes I am Gay, Yes I am Christian, and I am proud to be

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Here! It is the END....

I hope this story has helped you a lot, and that it will help you find meaning in your lives - if you live in the same situation-.

It was a pleasure to write my story. Don't hesitate to share it, so that it could be read by as many people as possible and that it can help all those who need it.

If you have any questions or if you simply wanna tell me about what you too have experienced or what you are currently living, don't hesitate to write me privately in order to relieve yourself ...

If you need an ear that can listen to you, or a person to simply talk to, don't hesitate to write to me in private, and I'll be glad to be your confidant, or your advisor through my own experience ..

If you just have questions to ask me in order to better understand your life, questions on this story in order to better progress in your life .... I am available, write to me, and when I'll see I will answer.

Just know that you are not alone, whether you are in America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica, etc ... Know that there's always someone somewhere who's suffering as you're suffering, there's always someone somewhere ready to listen to you, someone ready to help you, someone who will listen to you, understand you and advise you ...

God loves us as we are and no one has the right to order us to change, and especially not to change what we really are ....

~~~~~~ '' '' '' Gay and Christian '' '' '' ~~~~~~


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