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     Emilio's POV:

     I walk across another road, before turning to my right to see Carmelo's house. He opens the door before I even knock on it.
"Hey, Emilio! Come in!"
He shouts. I walk inside his house, and walk up to his room. I've been here once. He baked cupcakes that time. There were better than I expected.

     He sits on his bed.
"So, is that possed guy commin'?"
He ask.
"Yes. He is. Why do you keep calling him possed, Carmelo?"
He looks directly at me, while letting out a sigh.
"Dude. You've never noticed?"
"Notice what?"
I look at him, confused.
"Dude, sometimes he goes fucking crazy. Not a psychotic kind of crazy. It's like he has bipolar disorder or some shit. You'd think that you of all people would know. You litterally stalk him."
"The stalking part is up for debate."
I say as I take out my journal, and my pen.
"No it's not. Even I have seen you staring at him."
"Fine. What ever. How did he act?"

     "Like a wierd pervert. His eyes were also kinda wierd. He acts more social? He certanly seems more energetic. By the way, what are you gonna do with this info?"
I write down everything he says.
"Not sure. You said his eyes were wierd. How so?"
"They were brighter, and his pupils were small, and alot darker. Like a black color. Does that normally happen?"
"What do you think?"
"Not normal?"
"I've never heard anything like this. This is strange."
Is this some kind of disease that he has? How intersesting. I knew Tobias was unique, but this is just amazing!! What shall I do with this information?! Should I ask him about?! Should I observe him more often!? This is making me see so excited!
"So, what do you think?"
He ask.
"Deffinatly not bipolar. I've never heard anything like this! I-"

     "Never heard anything like what?"
That voice... Tobias!? I turn around, and find Tobias behind me. He's wearing his pine green sweater that he always wears.
"O- OH!! Tobias!! We were just talking about an m- manga series!!"
I say, not wanting him to know what Carmelo and I were talking about.
"What's manga?"
"Japanese comics"
"Oh. Okay."
"How the hell did you get in?!"
Carmelo states.
"You didn't close your door."
Tobias answers.
"Good enough."
"So, what exacally do we do in this sleepover thing?"
"Anything, basically. Usually you play games, but you can do what ever you want."
I explain. He puts down his bag.
"Who else is gonna be here?"
He adds on.
"Rudolph. Dino says he needs to help out his mom, and Francis is probably with his boyfriend."
Carmelo says. Francis has a boyfriend? I certainly didn't expect that.

     "So, do you guys wanna watch a movie while we wait?"
Both Tobias, and I nod. The three of us walk downstairs. Carmelo opens up the television, and proceeds to open up netflix. "You guys wanna watch Jumanji? The one with the Rock.
(I know the series isn't set in around this time, but just pretend it is)
I say. Tobias just gives a confused look. He probably had no idea about what we're talking about. Carmelo opens up the movie, and we all sit down. Tobias on the far right, Carmelo on the far left, and me in the middle. As the movie starts, Tobias leans toward me a little.

What should Emilio do?

>Lean towards Tobi
>Stay still
>Move away

Ya'll can choose one, and the one with the most votes shall be chosen

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