Heart ache

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My eyes have cried and my tears have dried I don't care what you're thinking coz I know that I have tried sai kace amin set up I'm down and I'm fed up...

Love the way you lie ~ Dj AB


Amir's P.O.V


I was playing temple run on my phone then I heard a knock on the door

' Wanene? ' I hissed and reached for the door, I turned the knob slowly

Hell! Mom!

' Assalamu alaikum' mom said stepping into the room

' wa alaikumu Salam, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you'  I smiled

' I want to talk to you' mom said while sitting on the couch opposite my bed

My heart skipped a beat, I just felt it... Something is wrong somewhere

' Okay mom I hope everything is fine '

What does she want to say!?

' Mom cleared her voice then she started ' your father sent me to you, I'm here to make things clear to you...'

Mom paused and gave me the are-we-good-to-go look i nodded

She continued  ' your father and I have planned for your marriage with his friend's daughter, her name is mufeedah. Amir you are the only one that can save us we are in a big mess wallah '

My Amatullah! No!!! I can't do this to her and what is mom talking about
What mess!? Ya rabbi! I have to obey my parents

' okay Mom, Allah ya Sanya alheri '

Mom knew I was in pain but I can see it in her eyes, she's helpless I have to support them

' Ameen, I'm proud of you '

She stood up and left me with a heavy heart. I don't know how to start telling my innocent Amatullah about this! She won't let me go and her tears will break me down. I'll just make her hate me it's the best! I love her!!!

*End of flashbacks*

My marriage is in two days and I haven't told Amatullah anything yet, we have been making calls and chatting all these while but I never said anything!  Ya Allah! Help me

I picked my phone up and dialed ya zainab's number after 3 rings she picked  ' hey bro ' came her annoying voice

' I want to see you ' was all I could say

' is everything okay ' she asked

' Please just come ' I pleaded

' toh ' she hung up


I and ya zainab walked to the garden and settled our asses on the chairs kept in the well ornamented garden

I ran my hands through my hair ' I'm in a mess sis '

' Subhanallah! Talk to me lil bro '

I swallowed the big lump in my throat ' Zee! Mom and Dad want to get me married to a girl I don't even know, mom said confusing stuffs to me and left me with a puzzle I can't even fix, no hint and my Amatullah....' I paused

' shhhhhhh it's okay! Allah is the best of planners atimes we have to face reality no matter how painful it is mom and dad have a genuine reason for doing that I'm sorry bro let's just face it none of us want that to happen '

I just wish this day never came

' you are right, khair in Sha Allah ' I masked my mixed emotions with a smile

' good bro ' she returned the smile


Days passed by Amir was still in pain because you of his Amatullah, he kept on thinking about her and thinking of how to make his marriage work, he can't toture the innocent soul he is going to marry.

The D day

Amir almost forgot it was his wedding, his heart was heavy with pain, if ached for his Amatu! Oh his Amatullah!

Amir got up from Mom's room and proceeded to his room. He got ready ya Allah! He has a good taste Masha Allah
He looked so...wow!

Amir was worried about how to face his new bride and his Amatullah is still in the dark. Ouch! His heart

Mom, dad, his Friends and everyone talked to Amir then he summoned the courage to go and see mufeedah Amin who didn't even know her husband

Amir and his friends walked into the Amin's residence, he could swear he he felt his Amatullah's presence.

' Ango ya zo ' Mufeedah's sister shouted

Everyone laughed at her drama as he walked towards his new bride who was smiling at him, he couldn't help but smile at her she's so innocent!

A young beautiful lady approached them but he couldn't see her face, she was talking to mufeedah, ohh her sweet voice he thought he turned and faced the beautiful lady standing before him

It's his Amatullah! Oh my queen!

He was speechless!

Her sweet cracking voice brought him back to reality ' Mufeedah and Amir HML '

Then she walked away, she left...😫


This is the most boring chapter wallah
Very very boring!
And it's short

Writer's block😭💔

All I wanted to do was to save our Amir from you people, stop hating our Amir he's a good person!
What was Mama talking about?
Only Amir can save them hmmmm🤐

Y'all should pray for me, I need your prayers!
Stay home, stay safe my people
Corona virus 😪

Sai anjima my mutane

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