"Burger Guy?!"

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*beep* *beep* *beep*
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping uncontrollably. I was still sleepy but the alarm clock stopped me from dozing off again.

I looked at the time, 8:15AM, 30 minutes before class starts. I scrambled readying myself for school, I did everything in a rush. I didn't even get a proper breakfast, I lived by myself so no one cooks other than me and I don't even know how to cook.

I ran to school out of breathe, but I didn't wanna be late on the first day of school so I just kept running.


I had hit something or apparently someone, Lily, Some may say her name sound nice, cute even. But she is a.. yeah.. she's mean and very annoying. She's pretty, but annoying.

"Watch where you're going idiot!"
Screaming at me clearly angry

I was about to be late and I didn't have time to deal with this brat. I tried running but she grabbed my hand and was still shouting at me with her irritating voice.

"Hey! Hey! You think you can just run me over like that?!"

At this point I grabbed my own arm and NARUTU RUNNED to my classroom. I made just in time, just before the bell rang.

I was still out of breathe and I just sat with my face down on the table. Class had started and every year we either had the same people as our classmates or there would a new batch. This year had one.

My face down still looking at the table, I didn't realize that there had been a new face sitting right beside me. The teacher started talking but I was too exhausted to listen, but apparently she was introducing the new student. I didn't actually care much, until I heard a familiar voice.

The person sitting right next to me had the same voice that I had spoken to in the mall. It was..


I exclaimed with a suprised look. I looked up to see the same man from the burger stand. I kept staring at him till I realized that I had screamed in front of everyone.

The whole class was now looking at me with both a look of confusion and laughter. I looked back down to the ground realizing what I had done and kept saying sorry to the teacher.

The Burger guy continued to introduce themselves. I could see people staring at the burger guy's red firey eyes. Some had some fear and others disgust. I could hear some people whispering while others just watching.

Class proceeded with Math as the first subject. It was like last year the teacher would well.. teach and we would just listen, only this time some students had their attention not to the teacher, but at burger guy.

I could see their eyes gazed upon burger guy's eyes. He didn't seem to notice the pairs of eyes staring at him or didn't care at all. It was as if it was normal for him, like it was an everyday routine.

I went about my day with little to no interaction with burger guy. He wasn't that interactive as per say. I didn't hear him say anything other than when he introduced himself.. hm.. I never got his name... And I wondered what it could have been.

*Ring* *Ring*

The lunch bell rang, I sighed in relief that I could eat food. Although our cafeteria didn't have the best, It was still food. Along the way to the cafeteria I met up with Jessica. She told me Daisy couldn't come since she had a cold. A bad one that came with a fever, I guess she couldn't handle the water from the beach.

Me and Jessica are lunch and chatted for a while. Jessica left to go to the bathroom and said she'd be right back. The cafeteria was full of student and all the seats seemed to have been taken other than the 2 seats where Daisy would join us and another random person. The table we were sitting also had a good view of the cafeteria door.

So we could see who'd walk in the cafeteria and who'd leave. One person caught my eye, burger guy, No seats were available so he was walking to our table. Burger guy sat down in the chair I front of me but Jessica still wasn't back so I was here with this guy who practically doesn't speak much.

I enjoy talking to people. You can say I'm an extrovert. So it was a bit hard when I had to endure silence. I couldn't take the awkward silence so I mustered up a bit of courage to conversed words with this guy.

I first asked what his name was. And to my surprise he didn't ignore me. But he didn't answer my question either. Instead he asked me.
"Do I know you..?"

"Oh we've met"

I then explained to him that I was the cheetah girl from the mall. He replied with just one word.

That was all he said nothing.. Just "oh" then he went back to eating food. I still tried to talk to him though.
"You didn't answer my question.. so what's your name? If you don't mind me asking"

"Weren't you listening when I was introducing myself?" Having his eyebrow raised.

"I didn't hear your what your name was"

He sighed and finally answered my question.

Brandon, that's what his name was. I didn't expect his name to be 'Brandon' I kinda thought it'd be Vlad or Jason maybe even Dracula, because of his eyes. I guess I was wrong. I told him my name was 'Kaitlyn' but he had no response for that.

After a while we didn't exchange any other words. Jessica finally came back and immediately whispered into my ear.
"who's the Dracula guy..?"

And before I could say anything else I was interrupted by the Burger guy.
"I'm not deaf you know. And I'm not Dracula.."

"Really?" Jessica exclaimed as if she was a detective looking into a case.

Jessica had the tendancy to annoy certain people. And this time she was annoying the new guy, burger guy, in front of us.

"Yes I don't say bleh bleh bleeh" burger guy now clearly annoyed by Jessica.

"You just did" At this point Jessica was getting on his nerves.

He was now fed up by everything and just kept silent till the end of lunch. I didn't see him the whole afternoon, I guess we didn't have the same schedule. I was walking home when I saw that I had new neighbors but I didn't think too much of it. Before I got to my house I first sent a get well soon letter to Daisy.

I went and ate my dinner then I just doze off to sleep. Nothing interesting happened that night. It was calm with stars twinkling Yellow, blue and red.. in the distance. It was a nice view to see before I had dozed off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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