Dr Morris ✅

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Beth's POV

Kate took the plates out on the table as if she's serving for breakfast. “Have breakfast.” Kate offered. But I chose to ignore her.

Silence is a safer option.

Kate sighed and called “Eli.”

Hearing the little footsteps, I realized it's My baby. Oh! She calls my daughter, Eli. But I would want to call her, Elizabeth. My Elizabeth.

Elizabeth...... Eli is a living Barbie with two ponytails and her pink t-shirt with denim shorts.

“Momma is hungry.” Kate gave the plate to her.

Elizabeth took the plate. She was walked towards my bed with her baby steps. My baby. She gave the plate, which I took gladly and tries to climb on the bed. She made herself comfortable near my leg as now I was sitting comfortably with a crossed leg in Indian style.

“meno spaventoso.” Eli looked at me with a smile. (Less scary)

I offered her my breakfast. She twinkled and jumped to settle herself on my lap to eat from my plate. This was the best feeling ever.

“Yum.” She said while eating Sandwich. “Share?” She gave her half-eaten sandwich.

“She made it for you.” Kate was adoring us. “She's your daughter. Like mother like daughter.”

“English?” I asked my daughter, ignoring Mrs Rossi in front of me. I can't tolerate her presence.

“Little.” It looked like she has to think hard for this word.

“She's learning English.” Kate sat down on the bed. “And other languages too... Soon she will be an expert.”

Not registering any words from Kate, I was busy enjoying my daughter's cooking. She could be a great chef one day if she wants to be.

“Valerio loves her. She is his Princess.” And this was the limit. Valerio is not capable of loving anyone. He is a monster.

“She looks like me,” I muttered.

“It doesn't change the fact that she's his daughter,” Kate said with emotion that wants to defend her brother-in-law, Valerio Rossi. She said something to Elizabeth which I couldn't hear. And my baby ran out of the room happily.

Now, I was furious. Outraged. How dare she sent my baby away from me? I know, Katelyn Rossi is trying to manipulate me.

“You mean a princess who was born out of RAPE.” I was raped again and again until they were sure about my pregnancy. This was their punishment that they gave it to me. Kate demanded my punishment.

“I wasn't aware that they would do this.” She looked down with guilt in her voice, but this will not erase my memory.

“Which part do you mean?” Her innocent act was frustrated. I never knew she's a good actor, “rape, getting SOLD or me being in WHORE HOUSE or......” I recited all those words to express my pain, what I went through.

“Please.” She looked like she's about to cry. “I know you've been through a lot. But I wasn't aware. Trust me...”

This made me laugh.

I laughed.

She would never accept her crimes. Sins.

My action offended her.... good for her. She didn't say anything and started to pack furiously. Not only that, but she took out a water bottle and pressed the call button to call for help, of course.

“Valerio was just angry. At least, you could have discussed with me about those men who approached you. In the store....” She held her pregnant stomach. “But you were being you. A stupid.” A nurse opened the door. “Please call Dr Morris.” Kate requested to the nurse.

Nodding, Nurse left.

“What is her condition?” Kate asked Dr Morris, as soon as she entered.

Dr Morris is a beautiful, independent lady who looked in her mid-30s. I yearned for her life.... her personality. Once I wanted to be independent like her. But I am nothing, today.

“Ms Bell, I am asking you.” Dr Morris asked.

“Uhhhh.....” I couldn't understand and frowned.

“Do you remember what you said before you lose consciousness?” I was asked again.

“I talked to you?” I don't remember talking to her.

“Yes, you were conscious even after delivery. Then we lost you for a few minutes.” Dr Morris read my file. “Do you remember?”


“OK. So what is the last memory you have?”

“I was at the party.” Dr Morris nodded at my response.

“This belongs to you.” Dr Morris gave me a box with a sympathetic look.

With hesitation, I opened it. I wasn't sure what it had. But it's not good.

It was a good framed made up of clay that children use to play with, that has 4 footprints. 2 pairs.

“I know how it feels to not be able to see your child.” Dr Morris stood by my side. “These are a footprint, of your daughters. It's the least I could do for you.” She rubbed my shoulder, offering her soothing touch to calm my grief. “This left one is elder and the right is younger. You should name them.”

I wanted to cry but not in front of Kate. And I never thought I could name any of my children.

“What is your name, Dr Morris?” I whispered.

“I am Dr Autumn Morris.” She smiled.

“This is Autumn Bell and Summer Bell.” I finally named my babies. My elder daughter is Autumn and my younger daughter is Summer. Since they are twins they should have the twins name.

“Summer is my younger sister.” Dr Morris chuckled. 

“No middle name?” Kate asked.

“Why?” Dr Morris looked curious.

“I never thought I would name them. I was ultimately going to lose my girls.” I remembered that horrible memory when they took my other babies from me.

“No one will ever take your babies from you.” Kate sounded committed. “They are your part.”

Even I thought they are part of me. But still, none of them are with me.

“You requested to kill the babies before losing conscious.” Dr Morris sighed. “You said they would take the babies to somewhere.” She gave me a business card. “If you need help.”

The business card has her office as well as a personal contact number with address. Even clinic's address.

“Mrs. Rossi. Take care of her. She's weak. We would keep her under observation for 24 hours. Then she can go home.”

But I have no home now. Where should I go?

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