dazzled PRINCESS

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"You are entertaining." He commented.

"I am here to help you," I said trying to as calm as possible. He is a mafia prince expert in the art of weapon and arms. As far as I know, they are dangerous. After many years of knowledge that I gained from this mafia is that I should be afraid of him. But if he does something, I will fight before dying but I won't give up.

"Nice to meet you AGAIN." He raised his hand to reach me but I walked back that caused me to fall on his soft mattress.

"I will leave, once I am done," I said removing hairs from my face. I was warned before that I should use a tight rubber band but I preferred a loose one. I should consider this advice, I am a nurse.

"Someone is in hurry." He said and catching my both ankles, he pulled me close to him.

I yelped with his act.

What the hell?

"I will finish it." He said and climb on top of me.


Valerio Rossi is a young Italian businessman who is mafia Prince in the nights. Betrayed by family, drowned in grief, soon lost in the dazzle of Princess.

"I was once happy. It was my happy forever after, but that didn't last forever. Betrayed by destiny, drowned in memories, I was soon lost in the dazzle of the Mafia Prince."

dazzled PRINCESS is available now... So read, Valerio Rossi is surrounded by his secrets.


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