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"Hello!~" I yelled at Nao through the people I was talking to.

"Hey, you wrote on my notes." He started walking over.

"Yes! Did I mess anything up? I was hoping you would get good grades in that class!!" I smiled.

I hope I don't sound like his mom.

"No you got every thing right." He said with his calm face.

"Mhm...I read all the pages you guys where reading!~" I am so proud of myself.

"Shouldn't you worry about your grades?"

"Aww~ Do you want me to get good grades????"

Of course you do, you love me don't you!!

"Nah I don't care."

"Well I could get good grades if you looked less handsome!~" I had a smirk on my face.

"I'm going. I need to eat. You should to." He walked away.

"AWW~~ I'll eat if I can sit with you!!" I yelled as I ran over to him.

"I don't think I have a choice on if you sit with me or not."

"Well than do you care where I sit?" I asked.

"No. Not anymore at least."

"Than...can I sit in your lap?" I smiled.


He was so calm still?

Come on as if he didn't know that was ne flirting!?

"Well than...Do you care if I sit with any one else?" We got our food.

"Yes. Kind of? Maybe?" He said as he sat down.

So he does care!

See he loves me!

"Aww I can't sit with a girl?~" I need to make him jealous just to see his reaction!

"  . . . I. . . I don't really care."

Did he just stutter!!!

But his face is still so calm?!

"Hmmm..." I starred at him.

"Eat." He said.

I started eating.

What the?

He was only eating chocolate.


"Do you like chocolate?!" I almost jumped out of my seat.

"Yes obviously." He munched his chocolate.

"I-I'll give you some at the movies!!"  I got out my phone to text my butler.

"What?" He stopped eating and looked at me.

His face.

"Oh...did you n-not get my note at the bottom of your n-notes?"

I sound childish!
How come I stuttered!
And 'notes at the bottom of your notes'  like any one can understand that!!

"Oh sorry I forgot." He started eating again.

"Which movie do you wanna see... Romantic....because, we can do that in reality anytime."

"...I dont know your the one who asked me to the movies?"

Come on that was me flirting!!!

"Ugh...fine. We are going to watch a romantic movie."

I put away my phone after asking my butler to buy chocolate.

"Okay" he was done with his  'Lunch' and looked me straight in the eyes.

"O-oh...Really??" I finished my food.

"Yeah I don't mind." He got up an took out his phone.

"Give me your number." He handed me his phone.

"Sure!" I took it and handed him mine.

I named myself:

♡ True love Takao♡

And gave it to him.

"What did you name yourself???" He took the phone.

"What is it bad I'm your true love?~" I smiled.

"Pfff. Who said you're my true love?" He turned his phone off.

"Why do you care~" I leaned on the table  a little.

"I don't...I mean I do?" He gave me my phone.

He named himself:


So boring!
I changed his name to:


I think that is better!

He looked at my phone.

"Hm. Welp. Now you have my number  text me the time to go see the movie."

He got up and left.



"Yes!!" I yelled in the cafeteria.

Oops it's time for our next class!


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