Riches and Rivalries

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"Maybe Parker isn't so bad.."

Michelle shuddered at the thought. Of course he was! This is Peter Stark we're talking about!

She rolled her eyes, and walked off to her next class.

Girls whispering about who she was and how pretty she was and how popular she was, they all leaned against their lockers, as did guys, who catcalled and flirted to no end.

It all just got on her nerves. She finally reached her dreaded next class, english. Obviously, MJ had no real hate towards the subject, since it was noticeably easier than all her other subjects.

She began to take out her notebook for the class, until she was approached by Brad. Brad was good looking guy, but MJ didn't bother with him, because he was, well, an asshole.

"H-Hey Michelle!"

"Oh hey, Brad."

"You look pretty."

Brad said, in probably a creepier voice than he expected. But, it sounded creepy, so Michelle thought it was creepy.

"Uh, Thanks."

Suddenly, the loud ring of the bell, not only startled but saved Michelle from Brad. The period went on pretty quick, and before Michelle knew it, all the periods seemed to pass, and she was soon out the school doors awaiting her ride.

Tonight, was a very special night for Michelle's father. It was going to be the reveal of a new product, that nobody but him knew about.

Michelle was to be right home to get ready for the reveal party. Peter, had the same fate as her, however.

For obvious reasons, Stark and his Family were invited, so Michelle would more than likely have to see Peter again, which she was still deciding how she felt about.

Meanwhile, Peter was analyzing the situation himself. "Why did I save her?" he wondered, knowing Michelle hasn't ever really liked or cared about Peter, and him likewise as to her.

The question seemed to perpetually boggle his mind, even as Happy pulled up at the school, Morgan in the backseat. "Hey Happy, hey Morgan." he greeted them flatly, as his mind was still on earlier events.

"Hey Peter!" Morgan said cheerfully, looking up from her tablet. Happy grunted a hello that Peter didn't quite get as the car pulled off to the middle school to pick up Chase.

(yes im aware that noah schnapp is like 15, but when i started writing this I thought he was just the one cute kid from the la devotee vid so pls dont kill me noah stans)

the 15 minute ride to the middle school was quiet as Peter still couldn't get the thought of MJ out if his mind, even after they picked his brother up and were now heading home.

When they arrived to the Penthouse, Tony and Pepper were casually sitting on the couch. "Hey Kids!" Pepper said, going up to hug her three children. "How was school?" Tony asked, not looking up from his gadget.

"Fun!" "Boring." "Weird." They all responded promptly, before heading to their rooms to prepare for Mr. Jones new product unveiling.

(1 hour later)

soon, the Starks were all in a limo to the Jones Mansion. Peter tapped nervously on his seat, a plan forming. He planned to ask MJ to dance that night, and see if a spark was there. He planned it out strategically, as the after party of the unveiling would be a perfect time to make his move.

(after the unveiling, because im a bad writer :))

soon, music began to play as the festivities began, Peter grabbed a glass of punch to make sure his confidence wouldn't go back on him. then, finally a slow song played, as peter sauntered through the dance floor until he found MJ, leaning against a table. "Wanna dance?" he asked, with as much confidence as possibly.

Michelle gave a skeptical look. Her skeptical look faded from that to a smile. She grabbed Peter's hand and dragged him out to the dance floor.

"You're good, Jones"

"Not so bad yourself, Stark."

jfc ive never been so tired. ive had to replay stuck with u to write this chapter so many times, but im lowkey not complaining bc its making me smile :) but yeah i hope yall like this and that writing this was worth it. ok bye lovess 💕

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