Chapter Twelve - Justin

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**Trigger Warning: information in author's note**

The rhythm of the school makes my ears vibrate as I rush out of my classroom, clutching my books to my chest. The clicking of shoes and buzz of hundreds of voices rings around as I dodge through hallways towards my locker. My personal tormentor has kept his eye on me all day. That usually means he waits to pounce behind any corner, ready for an after school session of Fun time. Lately he's been trying to discover how many punches it'll take to get my insides to become my outsides all over the pavement.

Hence me running. My shoes barely make an impact in the endless cacophony of voices. It seems everyone wants to be heard. It leaves us little people thrown to the side in the endless cycle of survival of the fittest. The school becomes unnaturally cold as I dash down the hallways, bumping into people left and right. After a seemingly endless series of "sorry" or "excuse me," I finally spot freedom.

My wooden locker sits at the end of a line of other wooden lockers. Momentum sending me forward, my face squishes against the orange grain. I groan, pulling away and rubbing my cheek as I open it and shove my books into my backpack. I don't even need Rodrick to get myself beat up; I end up doing it to myself.

People stream past me in little huddles, like packs of wolves, talking and chatting. Friends. I tug on my hair, biting my lip and leaning against my only reliable friend (my locker). All I need is a quick breath then I'll get on my way. Just breathe. The annoying advice that every counselor or therapist gives me has a habit of only working sometimes. Now, my lungs decide to give me a break, granting me the much-needed oxygen to focus and calm down.

Until Griffin appears.

He hasn't said much since that night a few days ago, probably trying to piece together what happened. Griffin grins at me, dimples flashing, arms wrapping around me. His lips brush against mine but I pull away.

Students surround us, the packs of teenagers able to see us, wide out in the open. "Not here," I hiss at him, stepping away from his embrace and shutting my locker.

"No one's looking," he buries his nose in my neck, warm breath blowing across my skin, "we haven't talked since that night at Tim's."

He kisses my neck and I give in for a moment, heart pounding.

I've taken my lunches (which consist of an empty plastic bag and a small bottle of water) in the bathroom recently. The constant banter between Griffin and Rodrick finally broke me. On one side, Griffin pestering me about that dinner. On the other side, Rodrick threatening or making fun of me. My already small appetite shrinks in that cafeteria. The noise alone is enough to drive someone insane.

Needless to say, Griffin doesn't like the new arrangement. Neither does Rodrick, not wanting to miss out on a full half hour of tormenting me.

Griffin squishes me against the locker, making my heart rise to my head and throat sink to my stomach. His broad chest blocks out the rest of the school, but it doesn't matter. I can still hear the endless noise. His lips press against mine again and I turn my face away. "I asked you not to do this."

"Come on," he groans and lets his hand fall down my chest, "you have to give me something."

I swallow hard, "How about no."

His stiff fingers latch onto my biceps and give me a squeeze. Griffin leans forward, "I wasn't asking."

Griffin grabs my backpack off the floor and zips it up, swinging it over his shoulder, putting an arm around me. He taps my lips with a finger and smirks. "Let's go someplace more private, shall we?"

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