It's Turning Out To Be A Habit

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-Mia's P.O.V.-

I was walking towards the building, when someone called my name. I turned around and I saw Kath, walking next to a girl. I waved at her and when they reached me, Kath hugged me. "Good morning, how are you?", she said with a smile. "Good, and you?", I said and took a sip of my coffee. "Very good.", she said and looked at the girl next to her, who didn't seem to notice anything than the screen of her phone. "That's my sister, Kaitlyn.", hearing her name, the girl raised her head and offered a smile. "That's me.". I laughed and nodded. "My name's Mia.", I said and walked with them towards the school.

Kath's sister made her way towards her class, while Kath and I remained in the school's yard. "How was yesterday?", she asked me and I shrugged. "It was a normal day.", I answered sitting down on a bench. She nodded her head softly and smiled. "Do you have plans for today?", she asked and I shook my head. "Great! I'm going to the twins' house after school. You're coming too.", she said excitedly. "Oh no...", I started but she interrupted. "There's no room for no's here. You're coming.", she smiled innocently. "This year will be stressful enough. We should enjoy these moments as much as we can.", she said in a serious tone and I just nodded.

Aaron made his way towards us and sat next to Kath. "Where are the others ?", Kath faked a groan and then laughed. I stared for some seconds at Aaron. His dark brown hair in combination with his hazel eyes made him look really cute. "Alec's not coming today... as for Logan... I have no idea.", he answered and then took his phone out. That earned a real groan from Kath this time. "Are you serious? It's only the second day and he's skipping?", she shook her head and took her phone out as well. Aaron chuckled as Kath tried to call his twin brother, but Alec declined all of the phonecalls.

The school finished unexpectedly quick. Kath was walking up to my desk, while I was stuffing everything in my bag. "You're coming right?", she asked with a smile on her face. "I don't think it's a good idea. I b-", she interrupted me saying, "it's a nice opportunity for you to get to know us better. Plus I thought I've already made clear that the days that are to follow will be very stressful...". I knew she had a point there. All of us needed to study hard for the final exams. And the stress was something that no one could avoid.

"Right.", I said nodding. "Look.... Aaron! Is there a problem if Mia joins us?", Kath pulled me towards Aaron, who then rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. "Actually it would be nice.", he smiled at me. "Mmhm. Is that me, or you seem desperate to befriend me ?", I winked at him and laughed a little. Kath smiled widely when she saw that Aaron blushed a little. "Well, what would you do if you didn't come with us ?", he said and after some seconds of me not answering, he added, "that's what I thought. It's better to be around people and actually get to know them than sitting all alone.".

Some minutes later, Aaron took out his keys and unlocked the door. He got inside and we followed behind him. "He must be in his room.",he said and Kath took my hand and started walking up the stairs. "You know where we'll be, change, or do whatever and then come to his room.", she told Aaron while we already had lost sight of him. She opened a door and bursted into a room. "What was that!", she said being a little angry. The boy in front of us remained silent under his blanket. "Alec!", she said a little too loudly and shook him.

Alec turned around groaning. "What!",he said rubbing his eyes. "What? Are you serious ?", Kath said taking the blanket off of him. Alec just turned over, giving us his back, and from what it seemed, he found the perfect spot because he stopped moving. "I'm tired...",he mumbled. I caught myself staring at him, realizing how well-built up he was. Kath shook her head. "I can't believe you skipped school just to sleep.", she continued and sat near him on the bed.

I stood near them and pointed at the door, "I think it would be best if w-", an evil smile made its way to my face and I took my water bottle from my bag. I looked at Kath, and seeing that she approved, I spilled the entire bottle on Alec. He stood up quickly and Kath clapped her hands. "Amazing!", she said laughing. "Are you crazy!", said Alec looking at us. I smiled innocently at him, "oops, i think it's turning out to be a habit.", i laughed and Kath threw at him a shirt, which was previously on his desk's chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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