Never mess with a Slytherfriend

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The Slytherins has friends outside of their house, and it was usually Hufflepuffs.
The Slytherins had a code, if someone messes with their friends, the whole house pitches in and beats up the person who did. But,
They have a special plan for when one of their friends gets dumped or cheated on, and it's Plan CSWTGDOCO (Comfort Someone When They Get Dumped Or Cheated On)
One day, a Hufflepuff came to the Slytherin common room crying. We will call him... Nathan. He had just found out his boyfriend had been cheating on him with a girl named Alyssa.

The Slytherins Plan CSWTGDOCO into action.

Team A: went down to the kitchens and grabbed everything that was sweet, and comforting. They also grabbed a lot of hot chocolate

Team B: went to go get the softest pillows and blankets in the whole castle

Team C: they grabbed a movie projector and set up a white blanket across the room. They were also in charge of which movie they were going to watch, in this case, it had to be a comedy

Team D: went to go beat up Nathan's boyfriend for hurting him.

Team E: they were the people who would take notes for Nathan if he was not functional the next day.

Team F: it's one person, the therapist. This Slytherin was good with words and comforting so they would help ease Nathan as such.

The whole Hogwarts castle knew from that day on, never mess with a Slytherfriend. This plan applies to anyone really. You don't even have to be a Slytherfriend, but after the experience you will be.

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