𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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- Jaden's Pov -

"talk to her, we have Spanish first" Griffin advises. "and say what though, hi I know we barely know eachother but I want to fuck you into annihilation" I roll my eyes. "yeah chicks love that" Kio mutters, throwing his bag into his locker. "maybe word it different, something like, hey you look pretty today, your eyes are a beautiful colour" Josh says. I scoff and lean against the locker next to Kio's. "what are you gay?" I joke.

"We better go to class though, we'll be late" Payton mutters walking off in the other direction with us trailing not too far behind. Once we arrive I look straight over to where Clover would have been sitting...if she was here. "she's probably late again" I roll my eyes to Kio who just laughs and takes his seat, followed by Josh also taking his seat between myself and Kio.

everybody comes in and takes their seats and just as the teacher is about to start the class, surprise surprise, Clover, Charlie, Cynthia and Dani all walk in. stumbled should I say.

"impressive girls,  10 seconds later and I would have been forced to mark you down as late, take a seat" Sir says whilst returning to writing on the board. Clover makes her way to the back. She had white clout goggles on, black shorts, a black crop top and some black doc martens, not to mention the fact that she stumbled in holding a rose and a sheet of music.

she takes her seat next to me and lifts her clout goggles up onto her head. "wow its bright" she squints her eyes at the sight of the sunlight beaming through the window. "have you slept?" I half chuckle. "nope, not even a tincy wincy bit" She mutters. "are you- drunk?" I ask with my eyes widened. She holds her fingers up to my mouth to keep me quiet. "shhh- have you finished" she slurs. "yeah" I mutter as Josh, Kio and I try our hardest not to laugh.

"right, thankyou ill get on with my day now if that's alright" she slurs again. "clover?" Kio asks. she looks towards him and grins widely. "hey cutie wassup?". Kio flushes red and shakes his head whilst laughing. My blood boiled. why was I so pissed?. I tried my hardest not to let it show though.

"why are you holding a sheet of paper with music on it?" He questions. "wha- we aren't in music?" she asks genuinely disappointed. Josh and I shake our heads and smirk. "oh pish posh" she groans and starts picking the petals off of the roses and throwing them on the sheet of paper.

The class goes pretty quickly and she rushes out of the classroom, down the corridor to her locker. I go to follow after her to make sure shes okay getting to her next lesson when I notice her standing with Quinton. I make a tight fist with my hand and let off a low growl. Seeing her with him made my stomach flip upside down, I hated it. I've never ever felt like that before, I've been the one giving that feeling not receiving the feeling.

I hide behind one of the lockers close enough to hear what was being said. I know what you're thinking... detective Jaden, pretty cool huh?.

"Thankyou for getting me coffee, I appreciate it" Clover says sweetly, taking the coffee from Quinton. "It's the least that I could do, when you was drunk texting me at 6 this morning I figured I should have brought you some to get you through the day" He laughs. I roll my eyes to myself and huff.

"so listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" Quinton adds. "are you kidding, of course I would, I'd love too" Clover squeals jumping into his arms. I turn around the corner into an empty corridor and punch the wall.

for fuck sake, of course somebody else got to her before I could.

I turn back around the corner and see her now standing on her own.

"hey clover" I greet her. "oh hey Jaden, shouldn't you be making your way to maths, you'll be late" She says with her angelic smile. "yeah I just need to talk to you". She looks up from her books that were neatly stacked in her locker. "what about?" She asks.

fuck Jaden just say it... fucking spit it out. She looks deep into my eyes as if she was trying to read something. "Jaden just tell me" she snaps. mind reading motherfucker. (wink wink nudge nudge). "I don't want you going on a date with Quinton" I say quickly. "You don't want me to?" She asks. I nod. "and since when did you think I give a fuck about what you want and don't want" she says trying to stay calm.

"I'm just-" "-jealous?" she finishes my sentence for me. "That's not the word" I snap. She shakes her head and turns around to walk away. "hey! I'm not finished" I growl and grab her arm without thinking. "ouch, can you please stop grabbing me like that" She whines. "I'm sorry" I sigh. Her bottom lip starts trembling and her eyes start to water. "hey, why are you crying?" I ask rubbing her shoulders. "because you're angry at me and I don't know why, and I'm tired, and I cry when I'm drunk" she starts to sob. I hold her gently in my arms and rock her side to side. Thankfully nobody was in the hallway to see her having a meltdown. "you shouldn't be here, let me get you home" I suggest. She nods and takes my hand as we sneak out of the fire exit to the parking lot. we jump in my car and she tells me her address so I can drive her. We pull up to her driveway and she unplugs her seat belt. "Thankyou Jaden, you're a nice guy" she slurs rubbing my cheek with her thumb before pushing herself out of the car and stumbling to the front door. I sigh as I watch her until she's inside to make sure she's okay before driving back to school in time for lesson 3.

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now