Part 1

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"Goodbye taught me

That the fact that we were

able to meet was surely

a miracle."

 Part 1

It was at the middle of September.

 The sun was still high and the continuous humming of the cicadas resounded across the quiet neighborhood. It was a desolate sound but at the same time, peaceful.

 The wind was soft and refreshing as it blew across the trees which rustled in response. There was no noise other than that——anyone would mistake this place for a ghost town in the middle of a restless city.

 Yet nothing still compares to little walks like these after school where one takes a break from the chaotic life of a student studded with endless homework, projects and power struggles to become one of the honor students. However, I could forget all of that instantly in these little quiet walks that bring me inner peace and relaxation. And in these little walks was where I met him for the first time.

 "Oh, there's a small chapel around here?" I muttered to myself in surprise. It was quite a long time since I started walking around in this area and it actually startled me that there was a chapel hiding among the houses here.

 Immediately, curiosity took hold of my will and I began to cross the pedestrian lane and towards the empty chapel. Like the other houses here, the it was also silent and the only sound I could hear were my own steps.

 It was an open chapel, meaning, there were no doors and anyone is welcome to enter it every now and then. Small wooden benches were all lined up neatly inside the chapel and outside, two benches were arranged vertically and in between was a statue of the Virgin Mary.

 I then sat at one of the benches outside and closed my eyes for a few moments. Breathing slowly, I smiled at how it was so serene here yet when I opened my eyes, I was not alone any longer.

 A tall boy was sitting beside me——with eyes also closed. He had silky black hair and a face glowing with contentment and satisfaction. I continued to stare at him for a while and wondered if he was even real or just a mere figment of my imagination.

 I never took my eyes off him, not even for a second because I had the feeling that the moment I do, he will disappear from my side. The only time that I did look away was when he finally opened his eyes only to reveal brilliant aquamarine blue orbs.

 I flushed immediately and turned my head to the other direction. However,  I could not help but take a peek at his face every once in a while. The boy had interesting features——sharp eyes, fair complexion, and if those lips would curve into a smile, I bet it would be dashing. Unfortunately, it did not.

 Fidgeting at the side, I played with my hands and enjoyed the somewhat awkward silence between us. It was pitiful that I couldn't talk to him—I was neither friendly nor popular and my parents would warn me about talking to strangers anyway. Though I really wanted to ask the boy what his name was.

 If only I could speak up…

 Meeting someone isn't so bad, right?

 I want to say something! I have to say something!

 Gathering my all my resolve, I opened my lips—only to realize that the boy beside me had already left and went on his way.

 There for a moment, I felt a strong pang of regret. I may or may not see him again ever in my life. It would be one of those once in a lifetime chances you get and I stupidly wasted it due to the fact that I didn't have the courage to speak up.

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