Chapter 3

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I was sitting at a table, eating lunch with the three of my friends, when I hear footsteps approaching.

"Hey there~" I hear a voice say.

I look up from my food, to then meet eyecontact with, no one, but Hwang Hyunjin.

As I rip my sight from him, I then go on to look behind him, to find: Jisung, Felix and Changbin.

"Oi Felix, what do you guys want?" Eunhye asks from behind me.

Felix opened his mouth to speak, but got cut off by Hyunjin. "We just wanted to greet you welcome." The tall boy says and gives me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"If that's all, then you can leave again." I say and give him a bitter smile in return.

"Getting feisty, are we?" Hyunjin says and tilts his head slightly.

"No. I just have more important things to do in life than waste my time on you." I say and tear my gaze away from him.

"And that is?" He pushes

"Eating. Now go and stop disturbing us." I say and make a gesture with my hand saying "shoo"

When the boys finally leave, I look up at the girls and they just kind of stare at me. "What?" I ask and put a piece of chicken in my mouth.

"No one's ever told of the Hwang Hyunjin off before." Haneul says and smirks slightly. I scoff at her remark and smile back at her. "It was bound to happen, I guess." I say, putting down my chopsticks and putting my arms on the table.

"Honestly, I think he'll try even harder now to get your attention. I mean, a few girls have turned him down, but not like you just did." Eunhye states and I look at her to my left.

"He can just try, I won't fall for his small games. If he thinks I'm one of those desperate girls who'll fall for him if he as much as winks, he can think again. I'm not trying to be toyed around, just because he 'looks good'" I say while taking a hold of my chopsticks again and begin eating once more.

"Well damn... You go girl!" Mincho says and smiles brightly at me. I notice she has a slight gummy smile. Cute. I think to myself, finishing my food.

After we all finish our food, we set our trays back and go to our lockers to get ready for our next and last class.

While walking to class, Haneul suddenly bursts out; "I heard we're going to be working in pairs for this project." She says and looks at all of us excitedly.

"Project... Project?? But it's the first day of the school year?" I ask and look at all of them confused.

"Our teachers are crazy. Other girls at this school are crazy too. I think we're some of the few 'normal' ones here." Mincho adds and shrugs.

"I hope we get to pair with whoever we want to. I don't want to work with anyone but one of you three..." Eunhye whines and pouts.

"I'm sure it won't be too bad to work with other people. I mean, except for Hyunjin. He'll be hell to work with." I say and giggle lightly.

"OMO, your laugh is adorable, oh my f*cking god" Eunhye says and pinches my cheeks, even though she has to reach upwards since I'm quite tall.

"Then you haven't heard my actual laugh. It's loud as f* and it's ugly, lemme tell you." I say and laugh half heartedly.

"It can't be THAT bad...?" Eunhye asks. "I don't know. It depends, I guess. My friends at my old school said it was quite loud, but they learned to deal with it." I say while shrugging. 

"Why'd you move schools?" Haneul asks and tilts her head slightly. "I mean, before I came here, I lived in Denmark, my mom always spoke korean, she knew danish as well, but she thought it'd be nice if me and my dad learned korean as well, if we one day wanted to move to Korea. And here we are." I explain, thinking back to my friends and how my life was back then.

We walk into the classroom and go to our seats. We wait a bit until the bell goes off. The last amount of students start to flood in and take their seats, just before the teacher arrives.

"Good day students and welcome to your last class of the day. Now as some of you might know, we're doing a project," the man chirps happily, all while protests from students start to take form. "I know, I know, it sucks, but this will show how well you work in pairs and this'll also count as about ten percent of your yearly grades. So the project better be good. Now the subject you're going to be working on is The Cold War. I expect it to be executed well. Good research. And in the next history lessons this week and next week, I'll let you work on the project, but if you find yourself unable to be finished with just that time, then take some time out of your free time and work there. Is that clear?" He finishes.

A few students mumble low "yes'" here and there when he finishes.

"Oh and I'll pick your partners for this project. But before I pair you up, I want you all to just read a bit about The Cold War in this lesson, to give you an idea of what you're going to work with. And then I'll give you your partners tomorrow." He finishes off.

When the teacher finishes, I turn myself to look at Haneul who's sitting besides me.  "What's his name? I mean, the teacher." I ask and it seems as if a bell rings in her head. "Oh, right, that's Mr. Kim, or his real name, Kim Seokjin. He's quite fun, but sometimes he can also be serious." Haneul says and smiles slightly.

"Okay then..." I say and turn back while opening my history book.

*Magical time skip because I'm lazy. Oops-*

I've been sitting in silence for around five minutes when I hear the bell ring. Finally. I think to myself.

I get up from my seat, the sound of the chair scraping against the floor accompanying me, as well as the sound of the students surrounding me, shuffling around, eager to get home.

I push the chair back in place before hurrying out of the classroom. As I get out into the hallway, it's already flooded with students.

I quickly make my way to my locker, to put my history book back into it.

I walk for a good 10 seconds before my locker comes into sight. I push my way through the crowd, earning a few "yah!" and other curse words at me, but frankly I don't care. I'm tired and want to go home.

As I finish putting my book into my locker, I reach out to grab my coat. I close my locker and I hear the lock say a faint *click* sound. 

I quickly slip on my coat. Honestly it's not really cold outside considering the school year just began and we're in August, but I couldn't care less.


I'm so so so so so so sorry for uploading this late. Honestly I've wanted to upload this for so long, but I couldn't figure out anything to write, so I guess you could say I had writersblock-ish. I also had a lot of homework to do, so. Yay.

Anyways, I'm here and I'll try to upload a lot more. I also attending school again here on Tuesday (05/19) So, I won't be able to upload a lot, because, school.

Thank you so much for being patient, if you were anyways.

-Christina <3

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