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-Echo by Jason walker

Hermione woke up in a strange bed, she opened her eyes and saw the Hospital wing. The door suddenly opened, and there Hermione found herself under the bed rather quickly, she knew she was in no condition to fight, so she decided to hide with her wand. "So much for the lion courage." She whispered to herself. "Miss, can you please come out from under the bed?" A voice muttered, she knew that voice, it was the voice of her dead Headmaster. "Miss no one is going to hurt you" quaked the voice of McGonagall. "Promise?" Hermione muttered with a small voice. "Yes dear I assure you." When Hermione heard the warm words from McGonagall, she came out from under the bed. Hermione sat on the bed with her wand tight in her hand. "Miss, can you please tell us your name?" Asked Dumbledore. "Hermione Granger." She answered slowly. "Miss Granger, what year are we in?" Hermione looked at the old man like he was mad. "It's 1998 sir," She said simply. "Miss Granger I'm afraid to tell you that you have been sent back in time." Hermione couldn't listen to her old headmaster anymore and did the only rational thing she could think of, and ran. 

Hermione ran out in the halls, out of the school. When she reached the ground of the school she looked up at the sky, to see the full moon. She ran to the shrieking shack and walked carefully inside when Hermione heard a scream followed by a loud howl. Her blood froze as she reached the door. This was the second time she saw a werewolf transform, the werewolf didn't take long to realize that she was there and starts walking towards her. She didn't know why but those amber eyes reminded her of Remus. A black dog came in front of the wolf and tried to get it back in the room but to no use. The Wolf pushed easily past the dog and walked towards her. Hermione found herself running again but this time she found herself In the forbidden forest. "Not again." She said to herself. This was just like in her third year when Harry and Hermione found themselves in the forbidden forest on the run from a werewolf. Hermione turned around, and a scream escaped her lips, as the werewolf claws crashed against her already hurt stomach. Hermione then heard a growl from behind. "oh shit." She whimpered as she saw another werewolf. Her body started shaking as she recognized those pitch-black eyes.. Greyback. Before anything could happen the first werewolf chased the second. Hermione questioned her sanity, she saw the first werewolf as Remus and knew he would have been hurt. Hermione did the only thing she could, she cupped her hands around her mouth and gave a loud howl. Hermione then saw a stag and a dog and began to laugh like a madwoman. This reminded her so much of the marauders. Hermione looked up at the moon. "Please take me home" and everything went black

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