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"Hermione please come down, the boys are worried sick about you, I'm worried sick about you!" Lily said. She had a point. I hadn't moved in 2 days! I hadn't even eaten anything! "Fine" I said and walked with Lily down the stairs, I sat beside Sirius but I didn't speak. "Hello Hermione" Remus said. "Hello Remus" I answered back. The other two boys didn't speak. "Guys I have to go" Lily said. I nodded and when she was out the door the hell began. "Where the hell have you been?" Sirius said. Okay they are angry. "Up in my dorm" I answered back. "he means why haven't you been out of your dorm in 2 days?! Have you eaten?" James said. I shakes my head no. "Pray tell me why!" Remus joined in. "Because after the bogart I felt sick" I said. It wasn't a complete lie. "Sick?! Don't play with us granger!" James said. "Okay I miss my friends! Okay! I miss them it hurt to look at James and Lily!" I said. My eyes grew wide and I slapped a hand over my mouth. "The boy who looked like James it's his son?" Remus asked calmly. I nodded. "But why does it hurt to look at Lily?" James asked. I looked down. "I can't tell you." I said. "Why can't you tell?" Remus said. "Because it can change the future!" I said in a harsh voice. "When are you going to show us the rest?" Sirius said and looked at me with pained eyes. "Now" I said and walked out of the common room with the boys hot in my heels. When we reached Dumbledores office. "Professor can we burrow the pensive?" I said. He nodded and let us in. We walked towards the pensive and saw the rest of my third year
"I know your a werewolf" the 13 year old Hermione granger said. The older Remus looked startled. "How?" He said. "I figured it out, and when professor Snape gave us the assignment about werewolf, and your not the only one who keeps an eye on the moon cycle" she finished. "You really are the smartest witch of your age, you figured it out long time before my old friends" the older Remus said. James and Sirius glared at Remus who said "what? I haven't said it yet!" They focused on the scene before them. "I won't tell anyone" Hermione said, to Remus who visible relaxed. "And I'm not afraid of you, you can't control what you are. It's only one day each month you are dangerous. But even there I wouldn't be afraid" she said. "That's very brave and stupid of you miss Granger. But I believe it's late. Goodnight" Remus said. Hermione got up and walked out the door, "goodnight Professor" she said.
The next day Harry and Ron send glares her way. "I'm sorry Harry but seriously! You just get a broom out of nowhere, at the same time Sirius black is after you! I'm sorry that I told professor Mcgonagall!" Hermione said, Harry and Ron, got up and walked away. "Are you after mig son Black?!" James asked, before Sirius could say anything I answered "before you jump to conclusions see the rest!" They focused on the scene again. "I see you don't have the gift my dear" trelewany said to Hermione. She looked insulted, she got up and dashed the glass ball on the floor before she got out.
Harry got his broom back and started to talk to Hermione again. The next scene they where walking in the grounds. "Oh coming to see the show?" Draco malfoy said. Hermione rushed down and pulled her wand at his face, "Hermione don't! His not worth it!" Ron said. She turned around, but when Malfoy laughed, she swung her fist, and it collided with his face. He ran. "That felt good" Hermione said with a smile.
The next scene, Ron was walking with a rat, "ouch he bit me! Scabbers!" He yelled and ran after the rat, Hermione and Harry ran after him. The rat ran inside the shrinking shack, and Ron pointed at something behind Harry and Hermione they turned around and saw a black dog who jumped over them, and ran for Ron, it bit in his leg, and dragged him all the way into the shack. Hermione and Harry ran after them but got hit by the womping willow. They got up and tried again, Hermione jumped up but got hit in the stomach and was now riding on the willow, she grabbed Harry, and dropped him so he got through and took another round then she jumped of and landed on Harry "sorry" she said. They walked through the passage, when they got to a door, they walked through it and saw Ron, again he pointed at something behind them. "It's a trap! His an animagus! It's him Sirius black!" They turned around and the door closed, Behind the door stood a man who looked like Sirius. Hermione jumped in front of Harry and said "if you wanna kill Harry you have to kill me to" Sirius looked like he wanted to laugh but got serious and said "Only one is gonna die tonight" Harry kept towards him and said "and that be you!" Sirius smiles an insane smile, and said "going to kill me Harry?" The door burst open and there stood Remus "Expelliarmus!" He said. "Harry get away from him" Harry walked back to Hermione. "Finally we see the madness you have within" Remus said. Sirius smiled and said "you would know anything about the madness within wouldn't you?" Remus just looked at him like Seriously your gonna make a werewolf joke now?. Remus helped Sirius and hugged him, Hermione stepped Warily in front of Harry. "Let's kill him" Sirius said. "NO!' Hermione yelled. "I Trusted you! I kept you secret! And all this time you been his friend. His a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" She finished. "Come on Remus let's kill him" Sirius said again. "Sirius if you would just wai-" Remus started but Sirius cut him of. "I did my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius yelled. The real Hermione stood with tears in her eyes. "Fine but he has the right to know why" Remus said. "I know why" Harry said. "He killed my Parents" he finished. "I would never betray Lily and James!" Sirius said. "And if you will excuse me I want to commit the crime i was accused for. Peter come out come out and play" Sirius said. "Peter Pettigrews dead! You killed him!" Harry said. "I never touched that rat! He's right there!" Sirius pointed at Ron. "Me? His insane!" Ron said. Sirius looked at him like 'Serious dude?' "Not you the rat!" He took the rat and it turned into Peter Pettigrew. They began talking, Sirius and Harry had pettigrew while Remus and Hermione carried Ron. Sirius and Harry stood talking. "Smart girl brave girl" Peter said to Hermione "don't talk to her!" Remus snapped. "Harry!" Hermione yelled and pointed at the sky, the full moon was up and Remus transformed. Sirius transformed to a dog and took the battle up against Remus. Remus won and threw Sirius down by the lake. "Remus?" Hermione said and took a step towards Remus. He howled, and walked towards Hermione, but before it could attack, Snape flew in front of them. A loud howl from the forbidden forest saved them. "Sirius!" Harry yelled and ran down towards the lake.
They where in the hospital wing when Dumbeldor stepped inside. "Mister black has been sentenced to the Dementor kiss. Miss granger I trust you to know the rules! He's in the south tower, if you do anything correctly more than one innocent life will be safe, three time should be enough" and with that he walked out. "What is he talking about Hermione?" Harry said, Hermione threw a chain over his head and spinned a thing, harry tried to touch it, but she slapped his hand away. They came back in time. "Why did you never tell us you had a time turner?!" Harry said angrily. "Because you didn't speak to me half the semester" she said and ran. They waged the Hippogrif, and now they watched Sirius Ron Pettigrew Remus And them self, Remus had just transformed. Hermione gave a howl, "what are you doing?!" Harry hissed. "Saving our life" she said and gave another loud howl. The werewolf ran towards them. "And what now?" Harry said. "Run" Hermione said and ran.
They where at a tower now, Hermione pointed her wand at the door "Bombarda!" She yelled and the door exploded. They where flying on the Hippogrif, and Hermione had her arms around Sirius Waist and said "I really hate flying!!" They landed and Hermione said "we will get your name cleared Mr Black" Sirius looked surprised. "Hermione you truly are the smartest witch of your age" Sirius said.
"Wooooow" Sirius said. "He didn't speak to you half the semester? Who raised my son?! His a prat!" James said. "He is. But he is also my brother" Hermione said. "Mr black?" Remus huffed. "Hey! You where the one who dissed us!" James said. "Come on I can show you some more in next week." Hermione said

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