Who are you?

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~Two Weeks Later~

Jay's POV

I heard my alarm go off, I got up, put on My Paramore shirt, sweatpants and my MCR Beanie. I grabbed an apple, got my keys and went out the door.

So it's been two weeks, I have barely talked to Pete because he's so busy with the band, All Me and Ryan do is argue,  Marisol doesn't talk to me, and Lisa is just straight up annoying. 

I still see this person around. You know the person who I saw at the movies. I never see the face, their always wearing a hoodie. I usually only see them at night. The person is obviously stalking me, but before calling the police I find out who it is. I wanna find them.

I got to school. I went to my locker. I opened it and on the inside it says "I'm coming for you bitch" in red. "Hey Jay" I Sal coming towards me.

"Do you know who did this?" I asked and pointed at it. I saw Loren at her locker. I walked up to her. I grabbed her shirt really fast, turned her around and pinned her to the locker. My arm was against her neck."Did you get into my locker this morning!?" I yelled.  "Jay I have no idea what you are talking about" she barely being able to speak. "Listen bitch you can the locker shit, I don't care, but you will stop following me!" "What the fuck is wrong you?!" She yelled "Many,  Many Things!" I yelled "Ms. Taylor!" I heard. I turned and saw Pete. I went back to my locker and slammed it. I then went to seventh Period.  Great. I had Pete first.

~End of Seventh Period~

The bell rang. I got up and tried to to leave. "Ms. Taylor, can I talk to you?" I waited till everybody left to go up to him. I shut the door. "Mr. Wentz" "Jay what's wrong?" "Nothing" I lied. "Jay you were pisses off this morning, what happened?" "You would know if you hadn't been avoiding me for the past two weeks. "Hey that is not fair, Yeah you know how busy I am with-" I cut him off "With the band, Yea I know"  we stood there in silence. He pulled me into the corner behind the door. He kissed me. "Look I'm sorry, Okay I was avoiding you" "Why?" I asked. "Let's just say someone said something that got to me, but i am good now" "Okay" I kissed him again and went to Mr. Salvatore's Class Room. He was my next class.

"Salvatore Sup Man" I raised my hand.  He gave me a high five. "Jay What up!" He yelled. He flashed that smile at me...Oh God. I went to go sit next to Mimi. "Someone's got a crush" Jules laughed behind me."I do not, I just think he's hot"

Salvatore got up and wrote something on the board. "That ass tho" I whispered to her. Jules tapped "But he got the Booty tho" she said. We burst out laughing. "Jay, something funny?" Salvatore turned around and looked at me.

"Nope" "How about you stay after school with me for detention?" "Totally cool with that man" I gave him a thumbs up and then laughed.

~After School~

I went into his room. "Sup Salvatore" "You mind shutting the door." He said. I shut the door and then went to the desk in the back of the room. Salvatore can't up to me.  And pulled a chair up to the right of me. "So what happened this morning?"  "Nothing" "Yeah right I heard you were going to probably kill Loren" "What? She pissed me off" "Okay, how you been with you're mom and everything?" I stood up in frustration and went to the other side of the room. I turned around to the wall so he didn't see my tears. I hated talking about my mom.

I felt hands on both of my hips. I then felt a hand move my hair and Lips kissed my neck. I turned around and pushed Salvatore away. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled  " Don't act like you don't want this" He came towards me again and pinned against the wall. He covered my mouth. I lifted my knee and hit him in the balls. He brings his hand to the side of my face.  It stings more than anything I've ever felt in my life. He pinned me against the wall again. He pulled my down my pants. "Help" I tried to yell but here covered my mouth right when I opened it. I bit my his hand. He punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. I gave up.

After about 15 minutes He stopped. He got up and pulled you his pants. "If you tell, I will hurt you" He left the room. I got up and started crying. I got my pants on, got my stuff and ran down to the health room to try and find Pete. He wasn't there. I ran to my car. I started crying again. I got in the car and started hitting the window in frustration. Why the fuck does this happen to me?

I started driving to my house. I grabbed my phone put of my bag. I couldn't stop crying. I went into messages to text Pete I need to talk to y- then everything went Black.

I woke up in what looked like a hospital.

Pete's POV

I turned on the news and there it said. 'Jay Taylor in a Car Accident around 4 pm'. I got into my car and got there as fast as I could. I ran into the hospital and went to the front desk "I'm here to see Jay Taylor, is anyone with her right now?" "No room 32 up straight, to the right" the lady told me. I ran to the room.  I looked into the room before going on and noticed her eyes were open. I ran up to her and kissed her. " Oh God,  I came as doing as I could. Are you Okay?" She had this shocked look on her face.

"Babe are you okay? It's me" She then finally said something.
"Who are you?"

HI guys sorry I havent updated in a while. There have been lots of drama in my life.  Including this morning when I collapsed twice and ended up  in the hospital. The doctors can't even figure out what was wrong, And i hit my head, so i have a huge headache. So this month has been really sucky. But I finally updated, thank God. I will update again probably sometime this weekend. BYE!

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