1.Move you mother fucker!!

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"Come on babe we have been dating for atleast 1 year now", jack my boyfriend whines and even after my countless no's he insisted that it was fair for him to take my virginity.

"No jack I told I'm not ready and you should respect my decision if you are really my boy.....", before I could finish my sentence I felt pain pierced the soft surface of my skin my head whipping to my right. My teeth instantly caught my bottom lips between my teeth as I tired not to cry in front this monster.

"You bitch I have waited atleast a whole year, it is time I take what I want", he growls pushing me onto his bed trapping me between his body and the bed as he straddle my hips.

"Please no Jack please, just let me go i won't tell anyone", I beg as he placed disgusting open mouth kisses down my neck. Ignoring my pleads he ripped my jeans off my leg as I sobbed louder and louder.

"Shut up you whore", I bit down on my lips harder as he again slapped me but this time with two times the force comparing from the first open.

"Mmmmmm, look at you", he let out a ugly and conniving groan as he pulled my laced boy shorts underwear away. I tried pushing him off but he just kept hitting me, at this point in time I was too weak to move.

Screaming was my very last option but I felt my heart drop, my life destroyed as he undid his belt pulling his jeans and boxer down in the process.

"Please Jack don't I'm begging you", I cried my eyes were too puffy to even keep them open. "Don't worry love you will be fine", I screamed louder thrashing against the bed as I felt him thrusted his member into me. My hands grabbing the back of his shirt in attempt to pull him off but he didn't budge. I pounded my fists into his back but my action not fazing him one bit.

I cried and cried louder as the pain keeps coming to me both mentally and physically. His hips began to move faster and more painful at each thrust.

I began to panic in fear, bile rising to my throat as his thrust started to became sloppy and before I could cry out for him to stop he pulled put spilling his disgusting thrash on the little piece of clothing left from my shirt.

"Fuck you weren't even worth the wait", he spatted as he put his clothing back on. I whimpered sitting up on the bed pulling my knees to my chest as i sobbed uncontrollabley.

"No,no,no", I sobbed over and over again as someone broke through the door lifting my teary eyes to the door as I continued my sobs.

"Hey, hey baby girl, it is just a dream wake up", my body bolted out of my head I starred wide eyes at my mother as beads of sweat making sticky trails down my face as it fell with out a care.

"Oh mummy it is back", wrapping my sweaty body in the sweet and comforting embrace of my mother, she rubs my back comfortingly as she tries to calm my rapid dog like pants.

"Hey look at me he can't hurt you anymore okay", no matter how many times she reassure me that he was imprison I still don't feel safe. I may put up the bad girl look but fuck me I was a whole mental wreck on the inside.

It may have happened a year ago but the night mare and paranoia was still there. As they say scars whole all the meaning writing... Well i really didn't have a scar but being rape at 16 I would call that the most painful scar anyone can have.

"Are you gonna be okay hun?", my mom's soft voice broke me out of my train of thoughts. I turned to her with a forced smile as I looked at her blue eyes that were filled with love and concern.

"Yes mom just a normal nightmare", I watched as she sighed kissing my forehead. After that day I trusted no male just my dad and my best friend Lucas Meyers. I was never able to recover from that event and i was scared that may be I will never will.

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