Breakfast For 2

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~Jaren's POV~

I woke up warm, which was weird because I usually woke up freezing, my heater was finicky and hardly worked.

I opened my eyes and looked into a shirt, which was even weirder because- oh shit.

Did I have a one night stand?

I quickly looked up to see John, which made me freak out even more, I couldn't have slept with John- then I remembered.

I was at John's house. We shared a bed. This is fine.

And just because I'd never felt more safe in my entire life didn't mean anything.

I moved my arms in an attempt to get out of bed, but I stopped when John groaned.

I looked at our position and my face began to burn.

John had wrapped his arms around me, so one was above my torso and the other one was below.

I had put of of my legs in between his and hooked it on his ankle, and the other one was underneath him.

He tightened his hold on me, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to move without waking him up.

I looked up at his face, ready to yell because I had to pee, but then I stopped.

I had always been near John, but never close enough to just stare like this.

His eyes were closed and he was breathing softly, his beauty mark retina above his lips moved whenever he breathed.

His hair was everywhere, but that's what it normally looked like, if not a little more brushed.

John looked so beautiful right there, I couldn't possibly wake him.

I looked down, as far as I could anyway, my face red.

So I just buried my face in his shirt I closed my eyes, attempting to fall asleep again.

It didn't take long before he started to shift a little more, and I knew he was about to wake up.

So I did what any normal person would do, and pretended I was asleep.

John couldn't know that I had been awake and staring, that would be way to weird.

I heard a small groan and felt John pull his arm away to rub at his face.

"Shit, what time is-"

He paused and was silent for a couple seconds.

"... Smii7y?"

I heard a light chuckle and felt my hair being moved away from my face. "You're too cute when you're asleep. But I gotta pee so please don't wake up."

John slowly removed his arm from underneath me, and I just shifted in response.

What did he mean by- oh shit he's touching my leg.

John moved my leg from his ankle and moved up slowly, trying not to 'wake' me.

"I'll see you when you wake up."

He slowly ran his fingers through my hair and walked out of the room.

Once I heard the door close, I opened my eyes and sat up.

Shit, I can never do that again.

...but I can't say that I didn't enjoy it.

I moved over to John's nightstand and checked my phone.

3 New Messages

I opened my phone and checked the messages.

1 from Mom, 1 from Craig, and 1 from Scotty.

I opened the one from my mom, who had asked if I was enjoying my time. I said I was and checked my other messages.

Scotty was just checking in, wondering when I'd be able to play again.

And Craig asked me where I was, which was weird because everyone should think I'm at my mom's.

Mini Dick
Where are you?

At my mom's house

Mini Dick
No you're not

How do you know that?

Mini Dick
I have my ways

I looked at my phone confused, how to fuck does Craig know that?

I'm staying at John's for a bit

Mini Dick

He didn't send me a message after that, leaving me confused.

I stood up, phone in hand and walked out of the room.

As soon as the door opened, I could smell bacon wafting through the house.

I followed the smell to the kitchen, where John had set out a pancake mix and had started cooking bacon.

I smiled softly, I could definitely get used to waking up to this.

John softly moved his hips, dancing to some unknown music, before he noticed me.

"Smiithers! I need your help." He smiled at me and used his tongs to gesture to the pancake mix. "I got excited and decided to make the bacon before the pancakes, do you think you could start them?" He laughed sheepishly.

I let out a small chuckle, nodding. 'Yeah, I'm assuming the instructions are on the package?" I shot him a look.

"Yeah, you should only need like, water I believe." He flipped the bacon.

"How many pancakes do we want?"

"Well I'm assuming we're only going to be eating a couple each?" John poked me slightly with his tongs.

'Ow, what, you calling me a fatass?" I rubbed where he poked with my hand and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh yeah, show me what that tongue does." John moaned and smirked.

His face turned red and I stuck my tongue out again. "Looks like you're more embarrassed than me."

His face turned more red, "Just make the damn pancakes."

I looked back to the package, John was right, I just needed water.

"Measuring cups?" I looked around at the cabinets.

"In the cabinet next to the fridge." He answered without looking up at me.

"Small mixing bowl?" I looked over at him as I grabbed the measuring cup that I needed.

"Underneath that cabinet." He replied, without looking up again.

I started putting in the pancake mix when I saw John snatch a measuring cup. A few seconds later I heard water running and next thing I know John is behind me, pouring in the water.

His front was flush against my back, his hand was wrapped around my waist.

"Did you get a whisk?" John's voice was hushed, as of he knew that both of us were in a position where we didn't want to leave, but if we stayed like this any longer, we wouldn't be classified as friends anymore.

And just because my chest started to burn, didn't mean that I wanted us to be classified as more than friends.

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