What About Love Jaren?

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~John's POV~

"So do you want to play online or in person, cause I'm gonna have to go buy Uno if you wanna play in person." I gestured to the door.

"Let's play with other, I'll be on your team or something." Jaren smiled.

"Sounds good." I started walking towards my computer. "Who do you want to okay with?"

"Well Craig is a fucking psychic so not him." Jaren muttered.

"What did Mini do to you?"

"He's a fucking psychic!"

"Okay okay, I'll see who's on."

I opened Discord.

Any of you fuckheads want to play uno?

"John!" Jaren smacked my shoulder, "Be nice."


He laughed and three people responded.

Marcel, Byze and Mini.

"Guess you're playing with the psychic Smiithers."

"God dambit."

I laughed and we all joined a call.

"What's up guys?" Byze asked.

"Well not you Byze, I can tell you that much borther." I laughed.

"Is Smii7ty still at your house John?" Mini yelled out.

"Yeah, he is." I ruffled his hair.

"John! That takes forever to perfect!" Jaren started adjusting his hair.

"Wait, when is Smii7y at your house John?" Marvel questioned.

"He stopped by for a few days." I responded.

Wait, how is Jaren supposed to hear them.

"Hey Smiithers, how are you supposed to hear them?"

Jaren's brows furrowed before his eyes lit up and he grabbed my arm. "Invite me to the discord call!"

"Uh, okay?" I invited him and he quickly accepted.

"Here, now I can listen and I'll mute myself so they only hear me once!" He flashed me a toothy smile and held up his phone.

Fuck, he's adorable.

"Hey Smii7y!"

"Hey Marcel! Hope you don't mind John and me teaming up for this?" Jaren let out a little laugh.

"Nah, just don't go kicking our asses okay?"

Mini let out a laugh, "With those two it'll be impossible for them not to lose."

"That- that's a fair point Mini." Byze laughed.

"Let's get this game started bitches!" Marcel yelled.

"Hell yeah!"


"I'm never playing Uno again." Marcel sounded exhausted.

"Nope, not happening, goodbye! Hopefully those two cunts have a great time!" Byze yelled, sounding equally exhausted.

"Told you, with them work in together, they cant lose." Mini laughed.

"But 10 games! In a row!"

Jaren was on the floor laughing, "Man you guys suck!"


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