Newest Danvers Sister

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This one was another request by
ScottDecker6 A different take on 4x21



Alex dropped to her knees as she held her sisters hands. "Come on, Kara! Please! Please wake up, babygirl!" Her tears flowed harder as she stared at Kara's lifeless body. "Please, babygirl. Don't leave me!" 

From a distance, Red Daughter was watching from behind a tree. She felt her heart sink and shatter. Her back slid down the tree as she buried her head in her knees and began to lightly sob. She was a killer. She caused unnecessary damage and now her actions were eating away at her. 

"What have I done?" She asked herself. A new set of tears rolled down her cheeks. She peeked over the tree to see Alex was a sobbing mess and still no sign of life from the girl of steel. She couldn't take it anymore and began walking towards them. 

Alex heard movement from behind her and quickly snapped her head. The forest was dark. She was unable to see who or what was behind her. A small ray of moonlight was able to identify who the mysterious figure was. Standing right behind Alex was Supergirl's russian doppelganger. 

Alex quickly pulled her gun out and pointed it straight at her. "Stay back! I will shoot! You caused enough damage already!" Red Daughter felt her heart shatter at those harsh words. She really messed up. She raised her hands indicating that she wasn't there to cause harm. 

"I'm not here to hurt you." She said as she stepped a little closer. "You already did!" Alex shouted coldly as she pointed at Kara. It took Red Daughter all her strength not to break down. She ignored her emotions and made her way to Kara. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Alex's booming voice startled her. 

She ignored the director's demand and kneeled in front of the girl of steel. She held her hand out and charged her lightning powers. She slowly placed her hands on Kara's chest, using her powers as a defibrillator. After a few tries they heard a loud gasp. Red Daughter was able to pick up a steady heartbeat.

They both look down to see Kara awakening and breathing heavy. "What happened?" Kara asked as she tried to regain her breathing. Alex immediately ran and embraced her tightly. "Don't scare me like that again. Please Kara. I can't lose you." Kara hugged tighter but not too tight. "Come on, Alex. Takes way more to defeat me. Girl of steel, remember?" They both stayed in each other's arms until there was a voice coming from behind them. 

"I'm so sorry." The young russian woman said. Alex quickly took out her gun and pointed it her way. Kara grabbed Alex's hand and lowered it. Red Daughter dropped to her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. Kara pulled away from Alex's embrace and unsteadily made her way to the crying girl.

She immediately gave Red Daughter a tight hug, rocking her back and forth trying to to ease her sobs. She whispered soothing words to help her calm down. She learned all her techniques from Alex. She would help her calm down whenever she was upset. She smiled when she saw it worked and at the thought of how she would make a great big sister. 

Red Daughter let out a sigh as she looked up at Kara. "I truly am sorry. I should have known that Alex was a bad person." Alex shot her a glare. "Hey!" Red Daughter shook her head. "Not you. Alex Luthor." She spent the next few minutes telling them about Lex's plans and how sinister they were. She also told them how truly sorry she was for causing so much damage. The Danvers sisters immediately forgave her. They knew she didn't mean the harm. 

Alex fully holstered her gun and walked up to the two kryptonians. She kneeled down to their level and placed her hand on Red Daughter. She felt her tense up. "Please don't hurt me." Her russian accent soft yet broken. Alex gave her a soft and reassuring smile. "I'm not going to hurt you. Not anymore." 

They all stood up and Kara pulled Alex's arm and led her away from Red Daughter. "We have to help her, Lex is going to kill her if she continues being his puppet." Alex nodded. "We will but Lex is not only going to be coming for you but her as well." "He already is." 

Alex nodded once again. "You're right. So, what do you suggest we do?" Kara smiled brightly, almost lighting up the night sky. "We take her in. We'll protect her and she can help us when we need it." Alex smiled and they both made their way back to the young russian. "Do you have a name? We Don't want to keep calling you 'Red Daughter'". 

"Linda Lee." Kara smiled and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Well Linda Lee Danvers, we are taking you in. We are going to protect you from Lex and you can help us defeat him." Linda smiled widely and tightly embraced her. She pulled away from Kara and moved towards Alex before tightly hugging her too. 

They flew back to National City and went to Kara's apartment. They decided to watch a movie before calling it a night. The next morning, there were a few knocks on the door. Kara rushed to open it and found Alex on the other side holding a box. "Hey Alex. What's that?" She asked, pointing to the box. "That is Linda's upgraded suit."

They didn't notice Linda standing behind the kitchen counter. "Is that for me?" They both jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. They walked over to her as Alex handed her the box and nodded. Linda quickly opened it and found her suit. 

Everything was the same except for one detail. The emblem on her chest was changed to the House of El symbol. The symbol was black with a red outline. "This is wonderful. Thank you." Alex nodded and sat down on a nearby stool. "Now you need a new code name. I mean if you want to keep Red Daughter that's fine but I think you deserve a better name." 

Linda thought for a moment. "When I was in Kaznia, they called me Snowbird. I like that." Kara smiled. "Snowbird." She started. "I like it." They began to talk about how they might defeat Lex. "Any idea on where he might be?" Alex asked as she changed into her DEO uniform. Linda nodded as she put on her new suit. Kara changed into her super suit as well and spoke. "Then lead the way, Snowbird." 

In just seconds, the three Danvers girls were off to save the world from Lex and his evil schemes.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this one. I really loved writing it! If you guys have any other requests, please message me. I would love to hear them! Till next time!

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