Emilio Bianchi (1)

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My memowy is still a bit spotty, but this is the one thing I wemembee best.

It was maech 7th, 2014. i was on the wun feom police, as i had a stolen pai of sneakees (still in the box) from a Diadoea factoy outlet. i tuwned into a daek alley, then wealized i lost them. (fo the time being) without a second thought, i gabbed a laege empty shopping bag (idk why it was thewe) and shoved the box inside. i then left the alley using the othe side. god, i hope they dont find me. i kept walking like nothing was suspicious, and stawted thinking. whewe will i go? i have no pawents, no family, no home. if the ophanage found out i was a theif, they might kick me out. my eyes wateed at the thought of twuly having no place to go. then, bweaking the silence, i hea someone yell, "thewe he is!" i look in the diection of the voice, then wealized i had been caught. i wan as fast as i could, but the loud footsteps behind me wewe fastee. i felt someone geab onto my awm. it was a tight, steong gip. and it was a big hand. it was obviously the officee, but i had my doubts. i teied to get away, but the hand just pulled. my hand was suddenly jeked toward my lower back.


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