.::Chapter One::.

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"RIINNNGGGGG!!" The school bell goes signally the end of a long day working. You don't care since you wern't in class in the first place but you better get to the school gates anyway because she will be there.

As you approach the gates you hear a "Hey Oliver!~~" You turn round to see a girl with hair flicking round her shoulders run towards you. "Oh hey Xena" you say in return, smiling mischievously she swings her arm round your neck "Thooooo hows my favourite little bunker today?" She says pulling out the first word so you know that she knows you wern't in class. " well I . . ." You struggle to think of an explanation. A guy out of your class says something to as he passes you. "Dont try and fight her man she'll get you." You smile she already had.

You have had a crush on Xena Syruxe since you first met her when she transferred to your class in year three. Her lisp, choppy hair and weird birthmark beneath her left eye set her apart from other girls. Since then you had been best friends you did every thing together. Many people thought that you were going out because she would put her head on your shoulder when the class would be watching a movie or when she kissed you when she was dared to with out protest. But you knew better other boys had also noticed her and she was always popular while you tended to stay to the back and let her do the people thing. She could never be yours and one guy inparticular knew it.

"Hey Oliver, gueth what~~" She smiles blushing. You know whats happened because you been though this a million times. "What?" You say good naturedly . She frowns "Gueth!" she says she expects you to guess every time. "Uhh your mums stopped being annoying?" You say knowing this is not it. "Nooppee~~~ I wish though" she rolls her eyes at the thought of her mother drunk 24/7 and mentally unwell. "Ummm" You continue to guess " You got a boyfriend??" You know this answer is right because it always is and you are the first person she always tells. You should feel special but you don't ."Yeth!" She says excitedly. "Oh great" You fake a smile hoping it will be enough to fool her.

The boyfriends don't last long though because she spends so much time with you. You suppose you feel bad every time one breaks up with her and she cries on your shoulder, But you cant help but enjoy it every time she comes to you and only you to tell you that another one has left her side.

"So who is it?" You inquire hoping its not one you think it is. "It"s Konnor, you know the one in your clath." You frown but quickly cover it up like you are just thinking about if you knew this guy."Yea i know him Konnor um Merry right?" The name is burned into your mind like a tortured soul tearing at the seams trying to get out. "Yes thatth him, great you guyth know each other" She smiles and continues to walk down the sidewalk. "Oh" She says as she's just remembered something, "Would you like to come with me and the otherth to the movieth thith weekend" She looks up into your eyes hoping you'll say yes. "Will Konnor be there?" you really hope he won't be with the odds that are always against you  . . . "Oh courthe he will we cant leave him out now can we? Well you could but he wouldn't be happy." She frowns at the though of him being mad.

Konnor Merry the name you never forget. You hoped you would never see the monster again but no he had to come and take your best friend away from you. His bleached hair with the black fringe, that ladies man smirk and that despicable past that no one but you knew about. He could destroy her, crush her soul, send her into a madness no one could pull her out of. You  were not overestimating you wish you were though. 

"Hey Xena" A confident voice comes from behind you both. "Oh Konnor hey!" She rushes to fling her arms around his neck and then remembers you are there and blushes. "Oh thorry well Konnor I'm sure know . . ." "Oliver yea I know he's in my class." He buts in. "Thweet so Oliver do you wanna come next weekend?" She smiles but the death glare your getting from Konnor is clear "Make up an excuse and quickly before I tell her everything" you gulp you know his past but regrettably he also knows yours. "Um sorry Xena I've gotta help my dad" You blush. She knows about your father and senses somethings wrong. "Um you know, family stuff. . ."  You hope this is enough to stop her from asking about you flimsy excuse. "Well thure ok then but if anything changeth jutht call me k?" she reluctantly agrees. Konnor looks triumphant as you say good bye and head home. 

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