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Following the disaster that was the confrontation atop Barad-dûr, and the loss of two of her fingers. The Elven Assasin, Eltariel awakens in a place of mist and light. There she is contacted by her mistress. Galadriel, Lady of Lothlórien.

"My Lady" Gasps out a shocked Eltariel. Wondering why she is in the place where she is. able to only follow up and say with shame, " I failed you. I stood with Celebrimbor, I wore his ring. And we failed to defeat the Dark Lord"

"The Dark Lord and the Bright Lord are one, a flaming eye above Barad-dûr." Replies the Elven queen and sorceress. "But I sent you to Mordor for the Nazgûl" She aptly rebukes "And your work is unfinished. Look to Minas Morgul and the Nazgûl who dwells within it." As Eltariel's face contorts in confusion. Galadriel makes it clear. "You know the one of whom I speak."

"He died" Responds Eltariel, Hesitant to believe what she is hearing. "I took the New Ring and left him to die"

"He now wears the ring of Isildur" Answers Galadriel "He belongs to the Dark Lord. It falls to you" She tells Eltariel.

"My lady I cannot" She responds sounding defeated. "Let me come home."

"You will wear the New Ring. You will finish what you started. Then you may return home." Commands Galadriel in a voice as powerful and stern as one of her station requires.

"It will be done." Says Eltariel before her vision changes from this ethereal plane to the top of Barad-dûr beneath the eye of Sauron. Clutching her left hand in pain with the two missing fingers. Across the way from her, lies the New Ring. reaching over it flies to her outstretched finger, and her missing fingers are replaced with an ethereal pair.

She soon departs from the Dark tower and makes her way across the Land of Shadow. Minas Morgul, the Tower of Black Sorcery. She cuts her way through the ruined and abandoned city of men. before making it to the central tower. What she sees shocks and horrifies her. Talion, the former ranger of Gondor. is now a dark and decrepit looking version of his former self.

 is now a dark and decrepit looking version of his former self

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"He is changed" comments Eltariel.

"He belongs to the Dark Lord." Replies the Telepathic Voice of Galadriel.

"Your time has come Nazgûl" She says before leaping down blades drawn. only for Talion to seemingly teleport out of the way.

"You will not kill me again" States Talion. As the two clash in battle. The Blade of Galadriel, vs the dark ranger.

"You should have died" Yells Eltariel.

"Celebrimbor deceived you, as he deceived me." retorts Talion as they clash blades and seemingly supernatural abilities.

"You serve Sauron" Hisses Eltariel as their blades lock.

"I serve Middle-Earth" Responds Talion. as the duel continues. Eventually with him disarming Eltariel. "I may wear Isildur's ring, but I am not yet a Nazgûl." He states holding his sword to Eltariel's throat. Before lowering it as a sign of trust some would say. "Shelob saw the future that has come to pass. She saw the great eye above Barad-dûr." He explains to Eltariel. e also saw the need for a counterbalance."

"Are you that Counterbalance?" Asks Eltariel.

"No. We are" Responds Talion tossing her one of her blades.

"I was sent here to kill you." She tells him.

"You once told me that in the war against darkness. Stalemate is victory." he responds to her. "Do you still believe that?"

"I believe Mordor and the Nazgûl must be contained." She answers him. "But how long can you fight this war before you fall and join them?"

"I don't know" He quietly answers her. "So perhaps you should stay close" He turns towards the Palantír of Minas Ithil. While Eltariel stands still in thought.

"Talion wait" She responds causing him to turn around. "Perhaps you need not fall" she removes the New Ring from her hand and holds it out for Talion. "Take this. with Celebrimbor focused on his battle with Sauron he will not be able to influence the New Ring. You need not damn yourself for Middle-Earth"

Talion looks on the ring. before nodding in agreement and removing the Nazgûl ring. his wounds from the Black Gate reopen briefly till he slips on the New Ring. And the corruption of Isildur's ring recedes from him. "Thank you, Eltariel."

"We should destroy the ring of Isildur." She points out quickly.

"And we will. we go to Mount Doom" The two leave Minas Morgul, and make for Mount Doom. Seeking to forever end one of the Nazgûl.

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