Destruction of a Ring

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Talion and Eltariel traveled from Minas Morgul, across the plains of Gorgoroth. To Mount Doom, the place where the One Ring and the New Ring were forged. Their aim is the destruction of one of the Nine rings. They fight through Uruks and Ologs to make their way to the Mountain. Yet they soon reach the cracks of doom.

"At last. we are nearly done with this." Says Talion, still feeling the relief of no longer trying to hold on to his will against the ring of Isildur.

"We can not feel relief yet. Not till that ring is no more." Eltariel is quick to remind him of their task. Talion simply nods in agreement, as they near the cracks of doom. the all too familiar green hue of the Nazgûl descends down upon them. Yet only one comes to confront them. yet it is not Suladan, Helm Hammerhand, or even the Witch King. Yet still one of power above most.

"Kahmûl The Black Easterling" Speaks Eltariel, her voice tainted with dread. "Second of the Nine, only After the Witch King."

"You've fought him before I assume." Remarks Talion at the unease in the Elven Assasins voice.

"Only once" She is quick to reply. "And I barely escaped with my life when I did" Answered Eltariel.

"You were to be among our brothers Ranger" Came the Echoing rasp of the Nazgûl. "You were to take the place of the brother you took from us. Yet, thanks to the She-Elf. That has changed." Comes his chilling reply.

"I have bested The Witch King and the rest of your brothers" Came Talion's reply. "What makes you believe it will be any different?"

"You bested my lesser brothers with the help of the Elf-Lord. The Witch-King was content to wait and let you turn." Comes Khamûl's Irritated response. "Had our master not required hm for other duties, he would have seen to you himself." As he speaks. Men from Rhûn, clad in black robes, and sturdy armor of the east wielding large Scimitars surround them. "As such. I am to see to the She-Elf's death and return you to us, Talion of The Black Gate"

Talion draws his word as Eltariel draws her blades. The two clash with the Black Easterlings. Blade meeting blade as the men of the east prove more difficult to defeat than the standard Uruk. The battle rages, yet eventually the two breakthrough to the Cracks of Doom with the Nazgûl ring.

"Go. I'll hold them here" Shouts Eltariel trading blows with the Easterlings. Talion takes this opportunity to make his way to the Edge. Before Khamûl beats him there, blocking his way.

"You will go no further" States his voice of dread. "My masters wish for you alive. But if you must be destroyed here. So be it." The Blads of the two dance a dance of death. Each seeking the annihilation of the other. Till at last, there is finally opening, and Talion casts the ring once worn by Isildur, into the fires of Mount Doom destroying it.

"NO" Screeches Khamûl in uncontained fury. "You will suffer for this transgression! You will see the world of the west fall! So shall the East rise in time. The Shadow of the east will devour you, Ranger.  And it will be a pain the likes of which you have yet to see!" The Nazgûl vanishes. disappearing in a flash of Morgul sorcery. Talion rejoins the fight. Aiding Eltariel in driving off the Black Easterlings.

"It is done" Sighs Eltariel. "Yet I am certain this is the last we have seen of Khamûl"

"Of that I am certain. The Dark Lord will send him after us both"  Responds Talion. "But we have struck a blow to the Dark Lord. That can be counted as a victory"

"Indeed it can" Say Eltariel. The two make their way to the fortress in Cirith Ungol. To plan their next strategy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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