Old Memories (EraserMic?)

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A/N: I didn't proof-read this, so there will probably be a lot of mistakes.

Shouta woke up to the frankly concerning ( and familiar) smell of cigarettes. He checked his phone, making sure it wasn't too late, or else he wouldn't get back to sleep.
     It was 2:34 am. Now who in their right mind would be up this late smoking? He got up from his cocoon of warmth, groggily stepping out of his room. He slowly walked down the hallway, trying not to wake anyone up.
     He opened the door to a balcony, only to see a familiar figure leaning on the railing, cigarette in hand. Oh great. This doofus. I thought we'd gotten past smoking?
     He took a few steps forward, standing next to his colleague. He took a moment to stare at the sky above him. Cloudy, to say the least, but a few stars still shined through.
    "So, what's the problem this time, Hizashi?"
     The blonde glanced at him for a second, considering him. He turned his gaze back to the sky.
    "The clouds are so pretty. Kinda... makes you think of him, you know?" He brought the cigarette to his mouth once more, slowly exhaling. Shouta sighed.
    "I guess. I don't know why we're talking about this at two in the morning. Not exactly a good time to have a mental break down." Yamada chuckled. "You're one to talk."
     This earned a glare from his friend. It didn't last long, however, because he soon turned his attention to the sky. To the clouds. His expression softened. Hizashi swore he saw tears threaten to fall as his friend considered the past.
     Shouta soon locks his gaze back on him, focusing on his hand holding the cigarette.
    "If you're going to sit out here moping, at least give me one." It took Hizashi a moment to figure out what he meant.
    "And what if I don't?" He sassed back, not wanting to give any. He had spent his money on it after all.
    "Then I'll just leave." Shouta stated, matter-of-factly. He turned on his heel, and began walking back to the door.
    "Wait- please don't leave." Hizashi's voice cracked, forcing Shouta to actually consider staying.
    "And what if I do?" He said, mocking Yamada's earlier words. He saw a tears start welling up in Hizashi's eyes.
    "Please. I don't want to be alone." Shouta's tired expression was replaced with one of genuine concern. He walked over to his friend, awkwardly opening his arms to hug Hizashi.
    Yamada knew he was only doing this to help him, because if everyone else wasn't sleeping, he wouldn't have even stayed. But it was still appreciated.
     Hizashi ran into Shouta's arms, pulling him into a tight embrace. He heard Shouta groan something along the lines of "a literal man-baby". Normally he wouldn't let such an insult slide, but right now he barely even had the energy to stand up on his own.
    Shouta hugged him back, and Hizashi buried his face into the crook of his neck. He started sobbing, mumbling out useless attempts at speech.
     "It's just-"
     "It's okay."
     "I don't- understand-"
     "It's okay. You're okay. I'm here. Take a deep breath."
     Hizashi tried following his friend's instructions, only to be met with more sobs. These were silent, which only concerned Shouta more.
     "Listen, Zashi. Look at me." His friend slowly looked up at him, and he looked like a wreck. His eyes were puffy from the crying, and his cheeks were tear-stained. He ignored it, and continued to try to calm down Hizashi.
    "Good. Now, take a deep breath in through your nose, and hold it for a few seconds." Yamada did as he was told, slowly breathing in, and holding it, waiting for his next instruction.
    "Now, slowly exhale through your nose." Hizashi did so, and felt a little calmer. Not better, but he just didn't feel like hyperventilating into a bag anymore. His breath still felt a little short. He buried his face into Shouta's next once more.
    "So. What was it you were trying to say?" He shifted around a little, still hugging, Shouta.
    "Hizashi. What were you going to say?" There was a certain tone in his voice that made the idea of Yamada not telling him absolutely terrifying.
    "I just- I don't understand-" Shouta gently patted his back, reassuringly.
    "I don't understand... why he went to you after all those years." He heard his friend inhale sharply, and he felt his body stiffen. Hizashi continued.
    "I mean- we were all a trio. We stuck together through everything. We made things work. We- we-" Hizashi heard small, almost silent sobs coming from beside him.
    "Sho? Are you okay?" He asked, concern dominating his voice. Question started flying through his mind. Why is he crying? Was it me? Was it something I said? What did I do wrong? Was it the way I-
    "I- I'm fine. I just... miss him a lot." Shouta croaked, letting emotions seep into his usually-expressionless demeanor. Hizashi felt... strange. Shouta almost never let anyone see him this damaged. And that was already a lot for him.
     Yamada took a minute to recall how close they all were to each other. Although, it was clear that out of all of them, Shouta and Oboro had bonded the most. Hizashi has never really minded. Until...
     "We all missed him. But it's okay. We still have each other." Now Shouta was crying. Yamada noticed that Shouta was not a pretty crier. To be fair, neither was he. It all works out.
    "Hey Sho, do you mind if I stay in your room tonight?" He asked, trying not to come off as weird. Shouta raised an eyebrow, but still nodded uncertainly. Hizashi tried to lighted up the mood.
    "No homo though." Shouta let out a small laugh, before giving him a subtle smile.
    "Now keep it down, you're going to wake someone up."

Old Memories (EraserMic?)Where stories live. Discover now