1.2 ; Being Afraid? ~C

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Michonne took us into a truck, we all slept through the night and woke up.
"Are you okay?" I asked Carl, softly. I'm still a little traumatized about what happened last night. Michonne, Daryl and Rick we're outside talking.
"Y-yeah." Carl shuttered and sat up. It was silence until you broke it.
"I would've done what Rick did, killing that guy.." I quietly said. Carl noticed and now we're both looking a each other. He nodded.
"The guy that was on top of you, did he- touch you?" Carl said. I brushed my hand on Ava's hair, she's still sleeping. I nodded.
"I wanted to be the one to kill the guy who touched her.." I looked down at Ava. She was sexually assaulted as well, like me.
"Me too." I looked back at Carl. I sighed.
"I just hope it didn't get to her." I gulped. "Being afraid?" Carl spoke. "Yeah." I said.

We all started on our way to Terminus. I walked with Ava, who was strangely quiet. Carl walked beside me, as Rick, Michonne and Daryl were front. We all had bags to carry, I had the food as Ava had the survival bag. The steps of the old crunchy leaves were the only thing that I heard.
"You okay kid?" Daryl asked me, I looked up at him and nodded. I looked back at Ava who was normally walking along with Carl. Suddenly we approached a broken sign on the ground, which all caused us to stop and look at it. Daryl groaned.
"We're getting close, we'll be there before sun down." Daryl said.
"Now we head through the woods." Rick suddenly said.
"We don't know who they are." He said again. "Alright." Daryl said as you all started walking into the woods. We carefully walked to the gate to see how the terminus looked like. Daryl leaded the way, as me and Ava were way back with Carl. We all reached to the gate. Wow, it's real. Ava suddenly held my hand, I held hers back. We all looked at the building for seconds, until Rick spoke.
"We all spread out, watch for awhile see what we see and get ready, we all stay close." Daryl nodded. Me and Ava followed Daryl.
"You wanna stick with me?" Rick asked Carl as I heard.
"It's alright." Carl replied. I and Ava continued following Daryl.
"Hold this." I gave her my knife, I wanted to tie my shoes up because the laces were getting loose. Ava held my knife.
"So do you still think we're gonna find Glynn and them here?" I spoke.
"Yeah, I guess." Ava said. I stood up and walked towards the gate carefully. It seems a little weird, I mean- why would they just leave this.. public. What if bad people came here, they'd probably take over it.
"Here." She gave me back my knife. I putted it in my holster. That night still haunts me.
"Ava, I'll never let anyone touch you like that ever again." "What if you don't. What if you don't know when it'll happen. What happens if you aren't there-" "I will Ava, I'll always be right beside you." I walked over to Ava, looking at her. I smiled a little. She looked down and back at me.
"Is that a promise?" She said. "Yes, it is." She smiled and nodded.
"I'll protect you no matter what." I hugged her.

Daryl, Ava and Me walked back to the place where we all started at. Rick digged a hole for the weapons in that bag, placing his gun in the bag and grabbing another gun and zipped up the bag. Rick noticed us.
"Just in case." He said and started to place back the side grounds, covering the bag. When we were done, we walked to the gate. Rick climbed through the gate, Michonne on the second and Ava on third and Me on Fourth and Carl on Fifth and Daryl at last. We all looked around and started walking to that door, with our guns out. Rick opened the door for all of us, Daryl went in first as we all followed in. Suddenly we saw sunlight, and a woman talking. Daryl peaked at the door. Suddenly Daryl nodded to walk in, so he did. We all followed in a line, I was in the back with Ava and Carl.
"Terminus, Sanctuary for all." The old woman spoke in a mic. Suddenly Rick walked towards the woman.
"Hello." His voice echoed through the room. The woman noticed and looked a little frightened.
"Hello" Rick said again. The people all noticed. We all stood in a line, looking front.
"Well, I bet Albert is on premonitory watch." The guy spoke as he walked towards us and stopped.
"You here to rob us?" He said.
"No." Rick replied.
"We wanted to see you before you saw us." Rick walked a little forward. The guy smiled.
"Makes sense, usually we do this with a tracks meet." He coughed as he walked closer. Suddenly his hands were up.
"Welcome to Terminus." His hands went down. I looked over to Ava and back at the guy.
"I'm Gareth, looks like you've been on the road for a good bit." "We have. I'm Rick, that's Carl, Ava, Glynda and Michonne and that's Daryl." Rick said. The guy waved. It was silence until.
"You're all nervous, I get it. We were all the same way, we came here for sanctuary. Is that what you're here for?" "Yes."
"Good, you found it.. Alex! This isn't pretty as the front. We got nothing to hide but we the welcome wagon is a whole lot of nicer. Alex can take ya ask for a few little questions. Uh- but first, everyone's weapons, if you could just lay them down in front of you." It all went silence. I awaited for Rick to signal us to do what the guy just said. And then, Rick nodded.
"Alright." "I'm sure you understand." I slowly took out my gun out of my holster, as the others did as well.
"Yes I do." I just stood there, not wanting them to touch me.. and they didn't. The Alex guy searched the guys.
"Hate to see the other guy." He spoke.
"You would." Rick said.
"They deserve it?" "Yes." Carl said. As they were done they stepped a little back.
"Just so you know, we aren't those kind of people but we aren't stupid either, and you shouldn't be stupid enough to try anything stupid. As long as everyone's clearing up, we shouldn't have any problems. Just seclusion's. Okay." He finished. The Alex guy started picking up our weapons for us, he smiled as he gave me my gun. Ava as well. Gareth walked away. But when he was done. He smiled at all of us.
"Follow me."

You're Glynda Rhee


1186 words


Posted 05/05/20

Made by Tobysslave

I'm sorry if these are messy:( just so you know I'll probably start making them separate so it'll be easier to read:)

And sorry if it's not detailed*

Hope you enjoyed it 🤍

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