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Four; what the shrew wants

"How's that article going?" Fay asks as he plops himself on my bed.

"Well, from how I see things...Heath has a really different view of love."

"Gen, do you really need to pair the two of them? ...I mean, he doesn't even show that he likes her. He's got tattoos and  motorcycle. Won't that scare Krista off?" Fay asks taking off his shoes.

"Someone sounds jealous." I tease.


"You are!"


"Krista!" I yell across the hallway. She turns and I push my way through the hard bodies and backpacks.

"I have a class in the minutes so make it quick." She says folding her arms. Wow, rude much?

"Um hi, I'm really sorry if I'm causing any delay. But I'm doing this project thingy for journalist and I would like to know what your preferences in boys are?" I ask trying to catch my breath. She raises one eyebrow at me but then sighs before speaking.


"You'll do it?"

"Five minutes sweety, chop chop!"

"Ok, carry on..."

"He has to be tall, handsome- ofcourse-, smart, caring, doesn't eat like a pig, and eats whatever I eat."

"And that is...?"

"Four thin slices of wheat bread a day, diet coke once in a month, no acids including citruses, clean non-alcoholic beverages and lastly!"

"Woah I-"

"He's got to be a gentleman, dark hair; if he's blonde he'll look more like my twin he does exactly what I say," She grins before continuing "Overall, I like a guy who is the epitome of perfect!" She turns and walks away.

What do guys even see in her?

The bell rings and I head to class.


Fay picks a fry from my tray.

"Someone's grumpy." Fay says while I stare at my orange juice. He's right, but I can't say anything. I brought this all on myself.

"You were right, both Krista and Heath are freaks and complete opposites. I could never make a match of both of them. This is way harder than I thought Fay..."

Fay looks at me confused.

"I thought I had a good shot at this Fay, Principal Harley will never trust me again!" now I'm crying. Why should I even cry? It's just a stupid paper for a dumb competition.

"Hey, who's the girl who helped Mr. Gregg surprise his wife on the 5-year anniversary last summer?"

"Me..." I answer softly wiping my eyes a bit.

"Who is the girl who planned all promposals for the senior prom last year?"


"And who is the girl who is trying to get the bad boy and the picky girl together for a school project and to help her best friend out in the end?"

"Fay, your pep talk won't change my mind!"

"I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to tell you that a keen heart always has lungs that breathe success!" I says quietly and picks another fry from my tray.

"And who told you that?"

"It's just a thing my mom told me in middle school when I was getting my braces. Guess that made me believe that if you're willing to do something, it'll come out great!"

"That is really ... motivational."

"I know...are you gonna finish that?" He gestures to the rest of the fried on my tray.

"You can have it all Fay," he beams before taking it all and stuffing his mouth.

I'll give Krista what she wants...


Ok guys,
It's a new chapter!

I'm not too happy with what I've typed in but please let me know what you think ;)

And pleassssse vote!

And pleassssse vote!

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